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8. Maturitní téma - William Shakespeare + your favourite english vriting book

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But one day after, Romeo with his friend Mercutio met Tybalt. They argued and fought and suddenly Tybalt killed Mercutio and then Romeo killed Tybalt in revenge.

When the families found it out, Capulet wanted Romeo to be dead. But Romeo’s parents persuaded them and Romeo was only expelled to Mantova.

Juliet’s parents wanted her to marry Paris. But Juliet was already married with Romeo. She came to Friar Laurence, because she didn’t know what to do. He advised her to drink the fake poison – after she would drink it she would look like she is dead. She agreed.

Friar Laurence wrote the letter about it and he sent it to Romeo. But he had never got it.

When Romeo returned to Verona, he found Juliet dead and he drank the real poison. After a while Juliet woke up and saw him, so she stabbed herself to death.

That’s the end of dispute over Capulet’s and Montague’s family. They became reconciled and they built the golden statues of Romeo and Juliet which stay in Verona up to now.


It takes place mostly in the royal castle in Elsinor. Hamlet is the Crown Prince. One day the ghost of his dead father appeared to Hamlet and he told him, that his murderer is Hamlet’s uncle Claudius – he poured the poison into his ear when he was sleeping. After his death, Claudius married Hamlet’s mother and he becomes the king.

But the problem is that no one believed Hamlet. He wanted to take revenge on Claudius. It completely occupied his mind. That’s why he pretended to be insane and to have visions. He wasn’t absolutely sure about Claudius’s guilt and the pretending of insanity can help him to know the way of thinking of other people.

Some wandering actors came to the castle and Hamlet inserted into one of their performances the reconstructing scene of his father’s murder and he waited for Claudius’s reaction. Claudius run away and confirmed his guilt.

Hamlet was hesitating with the revenge when he saw that Claudius was praying to God and he regretted.

Hamlet wanted to tell to his mother about his first vision, but he noticed that someone was listening to them behind the curtain. He thought it was Claudius so he stabbed there, but it was Polonius – his lover’s Ofelia father.

Claudius found out that Hamlet was dangerous for him so he wanted him to be executed in England. Hamlet wouldn’t know that, but he did, so he survived.

He came back to Denmark to Ofelia’s burial – she gone mad because of her father’s death.

Ofelia’s brother linked up with Claudius and they challenged Hamlet to duel. Claudius gave to Laertes the sharp sword with poisoned spire and Hamlet got the blunt sword.

In the end it passed of the duel in which Hamlet killed Laertes with poisoned sword, but he was hurt too. He died of poisoning, but before that he killed Claudius.

Hamlet’s mother saw all of it and he drunk poisoned wine which laid Claudius before the duel.

The only person who survived was Horacio, who narrated the story.

- It is the typical Shakespeare’s ending – during the action all characters gradually die, including the main character, that die in the end.

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