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8. Travelling, means of transport

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On boat

A: could be cheap or expensive it depends,

D: slow, only where is the water, noisy, not so dangerous

At the airport

- at first you have to check-in your luggage, pass the passport control, there are duty shops, gates, air terminals, the exit gates, …

- there are arrivals and departures boards

- the flight can be cancelled or delayed

- to weigh one´s luggage (zvážit něčí zavazadla), fasten the seat belts (zapnout si pásy), be requested to stop smoking (být vyzván přestat kouřit), hijack a plane (unést letadlo), take off (vzlétnout), land (přistát)

At the railway station

- there are waiting halls, ticket office, Exchange office, platforms, waiting room, left luggage off (úschovna zavazadel), luggage locker (skříňka na zavazadla), restaurant, rest room, time table, ..

- arrivals and departures board

- passenger train (osobák), goods train (náklaďák), fast/express (rychlík), get on/off (nastoupit, vystoupit), coach (vagón), compartment (kupé), ticket collector (průvodčí), corridor (chodba), single, return, season ticket

Going abroad, travel agency

When you want to go abroad you have two possibilities – you can go with travel agency or you can go by your own and arrange your own holiday.

With travel agency – we can buy package holiday – everything is done for you because the travel agency cares about everything – accommodation, booking, ticket for plain or other kinds of transport. But it could be sometimes very dangerous, because if the travel agency bankrupts, you can stay in the foreign country without help. In this case you have to find our tour embassy and ask for help. Or it could happen, that you pay for comfort holiday and you get terrible accommodation without bath, air condition…

But it has got a lot of advantages – you have got special program, you can do a lot of trips with a tour guide and get more information about the town, sight, habits…

Own holiday – you have to care about everything – you have to book the place for accommodation, full or half board, tickets or travel with own car, you have to have own insurance, map…

But you can do everything what you want, you are not depend on other people.

Necessary documents and things: valid passport, visa, we must change the money, insurance for traveling and for whole stay, phone number for embassy, ….

Transport problems

Buses or cars aren´t very friendly to the environment because of gasses in the atmosphere, which cause greenhouse effect. Gasses cause breathe damages.

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