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All in all I must say that I enjoyed the trip very much and I can recommend doing the same, especially before you take Maturita examination. (splněn bod zadání č. 5 – autor zdůvodňuje svůj názor na školní výlet) I feel much more confident now.


My School Trip to London I Enjoyed Very Much

Two months ago, I took part in a school trip to London. This trip is always something which all students in their final year at school look forward to.I was so excited.

The goal of our trip was visiting London, the capital city of United Kingdom, see the most famous sights and monuments, such as the Houses of Parliament or Buckingham Palace. We slept in families, so we could use our English in practice. We were only a group of 15 students, which was quite comfortable.

For me, the best experience was speaking English in the real English speaking country because I could try what I learnt at school. I also liked the atmosphere of London. I couldn’t only get used to being careful at crossings as the cars drive on the left.

All in all I must say that I enjoyed the trip very much and I can recommend doing the same, especially before you take Maturita examination. I feel much more confident now

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