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Czech Political System

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The judicial power is divided into a system of courts, staring with the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court and going down to the courts at all levels of regional government.

The courts check the constitutionality of existing laws. They apply the law in precise in individual cases. They can nullify a law expect for a constitutional one.

Judges serve for an unlimited period of time, must have a good reputation, and must be professional layers.

Political parties in Czech Republic

In the elections the citizens can choose from a variety of political parties.

Among these three groups can be distinguished: the left wing, moderate, right wing or extremist. In our country the majority in the Chamber of Deputies and all the seats in the government are retained by members of the coalition parties.

the right wing:

(ODS) the Civic Democratic Party, (ODA) the Civic Democratic Union

the moderate:

the Christian Party (KDU-ČSL)

The left wing

the Social Democratic Party

and two exteremist parties:

the Czech-Moravian Commustist Party (KSČM) and Sládek's Republicans (SPR-RSČ)

Témata, do kterých materiál patří