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English Speaking Countries - Australia and New Zealand

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In the central Australian Lowlands there is the Great Artesian Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin. 
(V centrální australské nížině se nachází Velká artesiánská pánve a jezero Eyre.)
In the Lake Eyre there is the lowest point of the continent. 
It is 16 metres below sea level. This lake is the largest one in Australia. 
Other lakes include Lake Torrens and Lake Gairdner. 
The largest Australian river is Murray, followed by the Darling.

7) What kind of government is there?

It has been proclaimed a capital in 1918. 
Canberra is the seat of the Federal Parliament. 
The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia and it is a British domion.
It has a democratic, federal system and the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. represented by the 
(Canberra je hlavním městem Austrálie. To bylo prohlášeno za hlavní město v roce 1918. Canberra
je sídlo federálního parlamentu. Oficiálním názvem země je Australské společenství a je to britský 
domů. Má demokratický, federální systém a hlava státu je královna Alžběta II. Zastupuje generální 

8) Which are the largest cities?

The biggest and the oldest city is Sydney with it‘s famous Opera House.
It is also a major port in the South Pacific and major trading centre.
Other cities are Darwin, Alice Springs, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart.


1) How large is the area and population of New Zealand?

Population is about 3 milion people, 85% of whom of European origin and the rest are Polynesian.
(pochází z evropského původu, zbytek..)
Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

2) Where do they lie?

New Zealand consists of two large islands (North and South Island) in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
The nearest countries are Australia on the west and Fiji, Tonga on the north.

3) Who and when discovered New Zealand?

The Maoris, Polynesians from the eastern Pacific, came to new Zealand during the 14th century.
Capitain James Cook explored the coast in 1770.

4) Which are its main deserts,mountains and rivers?

On both islands there are mostly hills and mountains. 
On the east coast there are fertile plains, especially the large Canterbury Plains on South Island. 
A volcanic plateau is in the centre of North Island.

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