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Mass media is nowadays becoming more and more popular. What mass media actually is? Simply it is something witch pass information to a lot of people. It is also often considered as a way of communication. Media includes for example television, paper media (such as newspaper and magazines) and finally the internet. In my opinion mass media is the most powerful weapon all around the world. But it can also provide entertainment.
Nowadays, almost every family owns at least one television. In our republic, we have one public television – ČT. There are also other private televisions – Prima, Nova or Barrandov. Private television has its owner. In TV we can watch series, films, news, listen to music etc. Radio is less popular, but equally powerful. Most people are too busy to watch the TV. So, they listen to the radio while working, driving or travelling. In radio we can listen to the music, news, interviews, reports, radio plays or audiobooks. I personally listen to the radio all the time. I don’t have any favourite radio station. I am switching between stations and searching for music or news I want to listen to right now.
Internet is becoming medium number one. You can travel across the world just by sitting at your desk. You can join discussions, chat rooms or just browse the web, send and receive e-mails, shop, download music or films, listen to the radio, music and watch films or television and way more. You can do almost everything there. Important part of the internet are social media. They control the world and also young generation. Sometimes it seems like a lot of fun, but actually the fun can change to a nightmare really quickly. Not everything is as it seems. People tend to behave in a different way on the Internet than in real life.
Newspapers and magazines are print medias. In newspaper you can find sections about politics, sport, current world issues. In Czech Republic we have Právo, Dnes for example. Magazines are more specialised. There are many magazines devoted to your hobbies (car, music, guns magazines). Also, there is difference in the way it looks. Magazines are often made from glossy paper, while newspapers are from normal one. Also, in magazines there are more pictures. I don’t read newspapers at all. I am more into magazines, but not the tabloids like Blesk or something like that. Our city has its own journal – Zpravodaj in which you’ll find interesting news and information about events in our city.

My cultural life consists mostly of watching series or films. But once in a while I go for example to a public lecture, cinema or museum.

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