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Food, catering

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- eat more fruit and vegetable, have balanced diet (bit of everything), eat smaller food but regularly, drink lot of water


- I like Czech cuisine

- I love sauces as tomato sauce and svíčková sauce with classic Czech dumplings/ but I hate dill sauce

- another Czech food that I really like are dumplings filled with smoked meat or pancakes (they are really easy to prepare – you only need eggs, milk, flour and sugar, then you mix it all together, put it to pan and fry it – served with jam or fruit)

- from foreign food I love Chinese noodles, sushi, Italian pizza or pasta


- I am really bad at cooking, I am only helping my mom in the kitchen

- only easy dishes as pasta, pancakes

- pancakes (they are really easy to prepare – you only need eggs, milk, flour and sugar, then you mix it all together, put it to pan and fry it – served with jam or fruit)

- pastas (boil some water with salt, put pasta until it is soft, chop some onions which I add to potato sauce, potato sauce with onions into the pan, keep it warm, …)

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