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17. System of education in GB and USA

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17. System of Education in GB and USA

state: US


  • education is equal in England and Wales

  • the great majority of schools in Britain are state schools

  • education and equipment are free

  • supported by public funds

  • majority of children goes there (92%)

  • there are also private schools,

    • have to pay tuition fee

    • usually boarding (school terms starts in September and students have some holiday during the year)

  • independent schools

  • the minority schools in Britain

  • and another type of schools are public schools, they are for upper class and they are prestigious

  • Eton, Harrow, Winchester

  • co-educational (girls and boys are studying together) – Eton

  • there is waiting list before child is bored for these schools

  • old-boys network (before social network existed this was something like that, connection between boys from same school)

  • school for people with old money (heritage and name)

  • education in UK starts with nursery school age (from very young age, preparing for primary school)

  • primary school

  • for children from 5 to 11

  • students learn the three R’s (writing, reading, numeracy)

  • RE (religion education)

  • HE (health education – healthy lifestyle, diseases)

  • PE (physical education)

  • from 2010 students have to learn one foreign language usually French, Spanish or German

  • secondary school

  • for young people between the age of 11 and 16 (in some are there are middle schools age 9-13)

  • several types (most of pupils attend comprehensive ones)

  • secondary school is big change for students (primary schools are usually small just for local children while secondary schools are bigger, students are put into a tutor groups with tutor – a person who is in the charge of group)

  • in the most schools are pupils have possibility to eat lunch in school cafeteria

  • punishments detention (when you study instead of playing around), suspension (you are not allowed to go to school for week or two – can’t make notes, have bad grades after), the worst is expulsion (you are dropped out of school)

  • corporal punishment is prohibited as well as in Czech Republic

  • most of primary and secondary schools require uniforms (equality between pupils, the social spirit) but after they pass their GCSE exams they can wear whatever they want

  • at the age of 16 students take principal examination (GCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education)

  • GCSE is composed of 8-10 subjects (math, English are science compulsory…the rest depends on school and your choice

  • at age of 18 they take A-level exam (Advance level) it’s standard examination for entrance to higher education

  • everyone has to study until 18 (but if you are not studying type and you want to go to work you can choose different subjects)

  • preparing for A-level (sixth form – 2 years)

  • if you don’t want to study straight after you’re A-levels you take gap year (is very usual in UK and USA students work or travel)

  • higher education

  • Britain has 47 universities

  • the most famous and the oldest ones are Oxford, Cambridge (12th and 13th century)

  • Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburg (Scottish)

  • courses last usually over 3 to 4 years

  • students have to pay for courses, food and accommodation

  • they receive the loans and they have to pay back when they start to work

  • usually lives in dorms

  • schools that provide you food and bed are called boarding schools (Eaton, Harrow)

  • campus is the whole are of university

  • you can get scholarship

  • undergraduates are the students who are study for degree of Bachelor (after they can study Master – must work thesis)

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