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17. System of education in GB and USA

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Universities have up to 60 000 students and around half of them live on campus. Dorms are small ale students must follow the rules. Even though many schools ban drinking alcohol on campus, partying is part of the students lives.


The American and Czech high schools are very different. In the Czech Republic, sport and competitions aren´t that important and high schools usually don´t have sufficient equipment, because most of them are in the centre of large cities and there isn´t place for it.

Students start American high school at the age of 14, Czechs at the age of 15 or 16 and graduate one year later than Americans.

In comparison, Czech high schools are not that big, and they have up to 600 students. One of the biggest differences from my point of view, is the curriculum. Americans can choose optional subjects and career throughout the high school and don´t have to know exactly what they want to do in the future right away. Czechs have three options of high school they can choose from. But in most cases, you should know what you want to study in the future or what should your career be specialized in. And you have to make this decision just in age of 15.

Czech students are with the same people for 4 years and depends on school, but normally they change classes for some lessons, but for majority of lessons they stay in the same class.

To successfully graduate, Czechs are required to take the final “exam”, which is called “Maturita”. It has two parts: In the first one students take writing exams throughout a month. For the second part, students take oral exams, that usually take place for 3 days. To get into university, majority of students need to take another writing exam in various subjects

1. School shootings

School shooting is an attack at educational institution. USA has the biggest number of school related shootings. One of the reasons why shooters attack schools can be that they were bullied by someone when they went to school, have family dysfunction, want to get revenge or have depression.

Because of widespread of school shootings, started a political debate about gun policy and gun control.

2. Ivy League

Is the group of American elite universities and athletic conference. Ivy League has eight members: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. For many excellent students, getting to these universities is the ultimate goal they want to achieve. We can say, that these schools also made themselves into a brand. They are well-known in the whole world but the price of studying here is really high. Highly competitive.

3. Senior Prom

Is the formal dance party. In the US, senior prom takes place in the end of semester, which is usually between April and June. It is one of the most special times in teenage lives. Some parents are not afraid to spend hundreds of dollars on dress and even more on limousines.

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