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17. System of education in GB and USA

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  • further education

  • for people over 26

  • these are courses normally taught at colleges of further education

  • most of them are vocational (technical, commercial)

  • many students attend schools in the evening




Is a program from children below the age of 5. Also known as nursery school. Attendance for children isn’t compulsory. It offers early education before children begin elementary school. The main goal is to focus on building a child's social, physical, emotional and cognitive development.

Elementary school – Kindergarten

It is the first year of elementary school for children from the age 5 to 6. Children do activities like simple mathematics (addition, subtraction) or play on the playground. “The first grade of elementary school”

Elementary school/education

Is for children between 5 or 6 and 11. Children can go to private or public school. It is focusing on fundamental academic learning and skills and preparing children for secondary school. Students are being introduced to foreign languages. They often change class for special activities like arts or crafts. They usually have the same teacher for the entire school year.

Secondary school - Middle school

Or junior high school, is for students from age of 11 to 14. Students take classes from several teachers in a day. They have subjects as English, foreign language, science or mathematics. When they successfully complete middle school, they can entry into high school. Preparation for high schools.

Secondary school - High school

High school lasts from 14th year of age to 18th year of age. High schools are often larger. Students can choose optional subjects which supplements their future education and career. High schools offer a wide range of subjects from which students can choose a program leading to university entrance or a career in business. Students receive counselling as they begin to plan their careers and further education.

Students must have certain score in grade point averages (GPA) to get into universities. That is why some students are taking advanced placement courses (AP).

Sport is very important part of high school, especially in the USA. Team sports have a high profile and excellent athletes can get a scholarship to university. There are also many school sponsored activities like drama clubs, school choir or other clubs.

After a student successfully complete 12th grade, he graduates and receives a high school diploma. There are ceremonies to celebrate graduation with caps, diplomas, and speeches by staff and students. These ceremonies mark a new start in a student´s life.

Trivia – reading, writing and calculations = the three R – writing, reading, arithmetics

Higher education - University

SAT = Scholastic Aptitude Test is one of the most important standardized tests used for admitting students to universities in the US. Students usually starts university from 18th year of age. Higher education in the US is expensive. Most student have to take out the loan to cover four years of education costs and normally, they repay it when they are older.

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