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In 19th century population grew, and territory was expanded. Removal of Natives started in 1830. T. Jefferson believed that they should be civilised, converted to Christianity and turned to farmers. Also, gold was found in Indian’s territories. Natives were forced to leave their homes, give up their names. The Trail of Tears is an event when they carried about 90 000 Indians to the East. Many of them died on the road. Conflicts between the North and the South were becoming more and more serious. North was industrial, and South was agricultural. Big problem was slavery. North wanted to abolish it, but South’s economy was based on plantations where many slaves worked. Southern colonies also disagreed with Abraham Lincoln becoming the president. Civil War broke out in 1861. Southern lands wanted to leave the union even more after Lincoln guaranteed freedom to all slaves in 1863.During war the Southern Army (Confederates) won some battles. But the key battle in1865 decided. Union (North’s) Forces won. Conflict had many results – slavery was abolished, and USA became strong, united nation.

After the Civil War industrial growth started. America was the most powerful country and had big profits from coal mining, manufacturing, railways etc.

The USA entered the WWI in 1917. President was Woodrow Wilson at that time. The USA was on the winners’ side with France and England against Germany.

Huge economical growth was recognisable in the “Roaring Twenties”. However, in 1929 there was a stock market crash (Wall Street Crash or Black Friday). Era of Great Depression started. Unemployment and poverty were becoming worse and worse.

USA also participated in the WWII. Also on the side of the Allies. Current president Harry Truman ordered to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1941, after Japan attack on Pearl Harbour.

The Cold War started in 1950s and lasted until the 1990s. Mistrust between USSR and USA increased. It was a race to conquer the space, have the best military technique and so on. Simply the main idea was to show the other country that we are not anyone you should mess with. It was also time of economical expansion in science, medicine, technology and so on.

In 1950s USA was involved in Korean War. In 1960s they participated in Vietnam War too.

In 1963 J. F. Kennedy was killed by assassin. His brother Robert Kennedy became a victim of assassination in 1968. In 1968 Martin Luther King was killed. He was fighting against the racism and discrimination of black people.

Sep 11, 2001 (“9/11”) - NY - terroristic attack. Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 airplanes for suicide attacks. Two of them crashed into the twin towers of World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, 4th was retaken back, but still unable to land safely - crashed in an empty field. This started long war against terrorism.

USA had complicated relationship with Iraq. The first conflict called “Gulf War” began in 1990 and ended in 1991. Another conflict “Iraq War” started in 2003 and ended in 2011. United States-led coalition invaded Iraq and overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein.

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