Gynaecology - Diseases and dysfunctions of the female reproductive system
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called labour.
There are three stages of labour and parturition.
1. Dilation stage with regular contractions.
2. Expulsion stage - this stage involves actual childbirth.
3. Placental stage - generally within 15 minutes after parturition, the placenta separates from the uterine wall and is expelled as the afterbirth.
Five percent of newborns are born breech-buttocks first. If an infant cannot be delivered breech, a Caesarian section must be performed. A caesarian section is a procedure in which the fetus is surgically removed from the mother’s uterus through the abdominal wall in a case that the following factors are present:
- The foetus is improperly positioned.
- The mother’s pelvis is too small.
- The foetus is especially large.
- The foetus shows signs of respiratory or cardiac distress.
- The placenta is being delivered before the foetus.
- The mother’ health is at risk.
Multiple pregnancies:
Twins occur about once in 85 pregnancies. Triplets occur about once in 7,600 pregnancies.
In 1978, Robert Edwards, a Cambridge University Physiologist, and Patrick Steptoe, an English gynaecologist, announced that a woman was finally pregnant as a result of a technique they had been perfecting for years - in vitro fertilization. The woman, 30-year-old Lesley Brown, gave birth to Louise Joy Brown - the first “test-tube” baby.
INHERITANCE is the acquisition of hereditary traits by transmission from parent to offspring. The branch of biology that studies inheritance is called genetics.
Born in Austria in 1822, an Augustinian monk named G. Mendel discovered the universal laws of inheritance by studying particular traits in pea plants that are passed from one generation to the next.
Mendel had never heard of genes, chromosomes, or the position of genes on chromosomes, but he seemed to comprehend the nature of inheritance. Although Mendel is now considered the founder of genetics, the scientific community totally ignored his findings for almost 35 years.
Today, a wide variety of birth-control methods are available.
Natural methods of contraception that have been practiced for centuries include coitus interruptus, breast feeding and natural planning (formerly called the rhythm method), which requires abstinence on the days when a woman is believed to be fertile. All these methods are unreliable.
Modern methods are based on three general approaches:
1. hormones that interrupt ovulation
long-term mechanical interruption of fertilization or implantation and
3. barriers that keep semen from moving into a female’s reproductive tract.
Oral contraceptives (the pills) are currently the most popular contraceptive, used by almost 30% of all women.
The “Morning-After Pills” are based on the extremely high doses of estrogen over a period of days when will prevent implantation of a fertilized ovum.
A condom is a thin sheath made of rubber or animal membrane. Used with a spermicide, a condom is about 90% effective. An added benefit is the protection it affords against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. A female version is also available.