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Holidays and Celebrations

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4) Which are important national holidays in the Czech Republic?

The anniversary of the birth of Czechoslovakia is on the 28th of October

The end of the World War II is on the 8th of May 

A Wenceslas Day is on the 28th of September 

The Day of Fight for Freedom and Democracy is on the 17th of November 

5) Do you know another holidays in Britain and the USA?

Holidays in Great Britain are:

St. Valentyne’s day is on the 14th February and it is a lover’s day.-young people send Valentine cards and Exchange gifts.

St. Patrick’s Day is on the 17th March-when the Irish celebrate their patron sain.

Guy Fawkes Night is on the 5th of November -it celebrated with bonfires and fireworks
- commemorates the unsuccessful plot to blow up theHouses of Parliament in 1605
(připomíná neúspěšné spiknutí, aby vyhodili do vzduchu…)

British Queen’s official birthday in June-it a great ceremony with a parade of the Queen’s guards and soldier
(je to skvělá ceremonie s přehlídkou královské stráže a vojáka)

Holidays in the USA are:

Memorial Day in the 4th Monday in May -to honour all who died in a war

Independence Day on the 4th July-celebrates the birth of the USA

Thanksgiving Day is every 4th Thursday in November.-it’s a family holiday, originally celebrating the successful harvest of the nation’s first settler.
(která původně slaví úspěšnou sklizeň prvního osadníka národa)

Haloween is celebrated in the USA and Canada
Children dress up  in the Halloween costumes of ghosts, witches, wizards…
They go to neighbour’s houses and are given sweets, fruit or money.
They typically carve lanterns out of pumkins.

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