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As I indicated before, you can live in city or in a village. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. For someone city life may be more comfortable – you have everything at hand (shops, schools, doctors). If you live in village you need to travel a lot. Cities are also centre of culture – here take place concerts, festivals, we can find here museums, cinemas and theatres. People in cities have better transport options – you can go by bus, train, underground, taxi, tram. The cost of living is very high in cities, also the air pollution is higher because of car exhaust fumes. The criminal rate is higher than in village. City also tends to be noisy. Also, if you live in city you probably live in flat and you have to face annoying and noisy neighbours. So, it is hard to lead a healthy life in the city. People in village live in unity and peace. They have more friends in the community since it is small. The village has clean air and the environment is very beautiful. You can grow fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are animal lover there are also more possibilities for you – you can own a horse, cow, chicken etc. It is easier for you to walk around and also village is safer for kids. Village people have to face many difficulties, like traveling problems. They must go to the city for shopping. Parents usually work in the city and children go to school also in the nearest city. But despite all the negatives, I would like to live in a village one day. Why? Because I really love nature and feel uncomfortable in concrete jungle. And also it is safer.

When we want to buy or sell the house or flat, we might need help from an estate agency. They will help us, but the service is quite expensive. The prices of houses and flats are sometimes really high. That’s why many people need mortgage. Mortgage is a special loan, which you are repaying for a long time, like 20 years. If you don’t want to buy a flat, you can rent it.

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