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And what to do in our region? The Region has many theatres, museums, galleries and cinemas. In Ostrava there is the Janáček Philharmonic (Janáčkova filharmonie). Lovers of literature can visit over 400 libraries. Towns offer interesting multipurpose halls and hundreds of playgrounds, gymnasiums, open-air pools and swimming pools.

Besides cultural and sports activities in towns, the diverse and eye-pleasing scenery of northern Moravia and Silesia offers also many possibilities for recreation, tourism, sightseeing and therapeutic programs. In summer period, the Region offers thanks to its network of cycle and tourism paths good conditions for hiking and cycling. In winter, mountain ranges of the Hrubý Jeseník and Beskydy are centers of cross-country and downhill skiing.

Beautiful chateaux (mansions) are in Hradec nad Moravicí, Raduň, Kravaře near the town of Opava and at Fulnek. Most important castles are Sovinec near Rýmařov, Starý Jičín and Hukvaldy near Beskydy. What is specific to the Region is a rich background for industrial tourism (e.g. the Automobile Technical Museum in Kopřivnice, the Railway Coach Museum in Studénka, the Museum of Mining in Ostrava-Petřkovice, the area of Dolní Vítkovice ironworks, the Michal Mine etc.).

Water sports fans like to go down the Moravice River and the Odra River; those, who prefer recreation at expanses of water, can visit the Žermanice and Těrlicko dams and fewer of them also the Slezská Harta. The balneological industry is based on the curative effect of iodine-bromine water springs in Spa Darkov with the Institute of Physiotherapy located there too. Since the 1990 ́s there has been a new spa sanatorium in Klimkovice.

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