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Novinky ze světa v AJ

You play this game in the swimming pool.There is a person (It)who has closed eyes and shouts „Marco!“ and the other players must respond by shouting „Polo!“ It tries to find them and catch them.Blind man’s buff is almost the same but you play on the groundand not to say „Marco Polo“.


It’sachasing game.Someone chases,other runaway from them.There’s a counting-out-rhyme.The most famous is this one:

Eeny,meeny,miny,moe, Catch the tiger by thetoe. If it hollers let him goEeny,meeny,miny,moe!You are it!

Eeny,meeny,miny,moe, Chyť tygra za prst.Jestli bude křičet,nech ho býtEeny,meeny,miny,moe!Máš babu!

Musical chairs (Škatulata hýbejte se)

A gamewherechildren go around chairs.One chair is always put away.The winner is the one who sits on the last chair.

Word Chain (Slovní fotbal)

This game is good for improving your language.It will start by a random word and you have to continue it with the last letter of the word.

Scattergories (Země,město)

It’s also good for improving your language.There’s a table which you have to fill in.On the table youwillhave towrite a country,a city,a name and so on.And the winner is the one who will get the most points.

Truth or dare (Vadí,nevadí/Pravda,nepravda)

In the start you will say truth or dare.If you say truth,the other person will ask you for somethingthat you seriously did.

Moomin Café in Tokyo

If you eat in a restaurant alone,people probably stare at you.It often ends up with reading your book and finishing your meal.However,one of the restaurants in Japan has found the solution for not eating on your own.Customers are surrounded by plushanimals so you havea cuddly company around you for night's date.These toys are characters from Finland's Moomin books and are offered to customers by staff at the Moomin Café in Tokyo.



Today I am going to tell you about upcoming movie sequels in2016.The first one is Kung-Fu Panda Three,it's an animated adventurous comedy and it's going to appear in January.In May,we can expect an adventurous fantasy Alice Through the Looking Glassby Tim Burton.In June and July,the children can be glad for Finding Dory and Ice Age Five,which everyone knows.In August,Project XX will come out,a comedy for teenagers where the main topics are wild parties and a booze.And in October,we can get ready for fantasy thriller called Underworld Next Generation.


Hello there,

I'm going to tell youa little about afamous Englishplaywright and a bard of the16th century,William Shakespeare.

He graduated atGrammar School.Heprobably wrote around thirty-nine plays,154sonnets,two long narrative poems.Hemarried Anne Hathaway and had three children with her.

The man also wrote somecomedies (such as A midsummer-night's Dream,Measure for Measure),historical dramas (such as Henry VIII of England)and tragedies (Romeo and Juliet,Macbeth,etc.)


This articletells a story about two imposters who deceived Americans with the German-sounding name.Jim was a young soldier in the British Army and Horst was a thief stealing cigarettes and whiskey from a storeroom at the British Army base and then selling it on the black market.After some time,Horst and Jim went into business togetherand soldfake some records.After several decades when the Berlin Wall came down,German people didn’t have money and in addition,the government made them unemployed.Jim came up with an idea that Germany is full of castles and Americans love them and thus they wanted to sell the dream of a castle to Americans.Jim and Horst launched the business.They pretended to be lawyers and wrote a letter to all Americans with the German-sounding name that the ownership of the castle is unclear and if the person sends a family details and a processing fee of$199,those two carry out the investigation.Afterwards,Jim and Horst sent a polite letter to a client saying the castle unfortunately belonged to someone else after all and they will not return the processing fee.One day,a resident from Texas arrived at their office and learned about their scam.He wanted to make a deal.They were supposed to move a castle to his ranch and the deal would be made,but those two didn’t find anything in Germany and started to search inTransylvania.

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