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  • The Prague Castle – It was founded after 880 by prince Bořivoj. During the reign of Rudolf II. the castle became a famous centre of arts and culture. The New Palace includes Presidential office and Spanish Hall. The Old Palace includes Vladislav´s Hall. Famous sights include: St. Vitus Cathedral, St. Wenceslas Chapel, St. George´s Basilica, Golden Lane, Daliborka Tower.

Lesser Town

  • Neruda´s street – it is called after Jan Neruda who lived there in Dům U Dvou sluncí in the 19th century.

  • St. Nicholas Church – This baroque church was built in the 18th century. People say that it is the most beautiful baroque church.

  • Petřín Observation Tower – This sixty metres high tower was built as a scaled-down replica of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. It´s located at the top of the Petřín Hill. It has 229 steps but on the top you can see a beautiful view.

  • The Charles Bridge – It was built in 1357 by a famous Gothic architect Petr Parléř. In the 18th century the bridge began to be decorated by baroque statues. During summer it is always full of tourists, souvenir stalls and street artists.

Old Town

  • The Old Town Square – We can see there The Old Town Hall with Astronomical Clock. It was installed in 1410. There are different statues like a skeleton or apostles. Every hour the windows open and the statues rotate. The horologe is decorated by 12 outer medaillons representing the course of village life, painted by Josef Mánes and 12 signs of Zodiac. In the middle of the Old Town´s Square the is the Jan Hus´s Statue.

  • The Clementinum – It is the second largest complex of buildings after the Prague Castle. It was built in the 17th century. There is a big library.

  • The Powder Tower – It is a monument of the Czech late gothic period, stands at the end of King´s Road.

New Town

  • Wenceslas Square – There is the statue of Czech patron St. Wenceslas made by J. V. Myslbek and The National Museum.


  • It is a quarter which is completely surrounded by the Old Town. It is Jewish quarter and there is Jewish Cemetery or the Old New Synagogue.

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