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Promluva_stages of human life

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At the stage adolescence the child grows into an adolescent through a period called
puberty. Puberty usually takes place in the child's teenage years starting from 13
years up to 19 years of age. Therefore, adolescents are also called teenagers. During
the puberty a rapid growth and changes of the body take place. These include
changes of the body shape growing hair on some parts of the body for example boys
grow hair on their faces and also boy's voice becomes deeper and rough. Similar at
this stage the behaviour patterns of the teenagers will change. When a child reaches
his fourteenth year he breaks away from his parents control. They have little respect
to older people and also they disregard any Authority. They are captivated by pop
singers athletes and film stars. They often have part-time jobs. for example delivering
newspapers working at the car wash, working in the shops for example box boys box
girls and baggars. Some teenagers get pocket money from their parents. At the age of
18 they come of age.


People who are from age 20 years to 65 years old are called adults. Adults can
reproduce make their own families and so continue the life cycle. Adults can be
divided into: young adults (20 – 36), middle-aged adults (36-55) and older adults (55-
65 years).


When a person reaches 65 years of age he is known as an old or elderly person. The
average life expectancy of a person can vary from 70 to 85 years but it's totally
depends on health of each person.
The retirement age in the US is 60 for women and 65 for men. Pensioners receive a
state pension. Most elderly people prefer to live in their own home for as long as
possible and they are helped by charity such as Help The age. There is sheltered

housing where residents are under the care of a warden, there is a special equipment
for example ramp for a wheelchair. Nursing homes provide extra help for those with
medical problems. Elderly people often write last will

(bequest). Their heirs inherit

their property according their wish


A wake is a period of two or three days when family and friends meet at a funeral
parlor and pray or just take last look at the deceased in the coffin. it is often turned
into farewell party. People sit and drink and tell stories about deceased. The funeral
(cremation or burial) takes place one day after the wake. Family send obituaries to
relatives and friends. After the ceremony it is customary for the family mourners and
bereaved to meet for light meal.

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