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Promluva_stages of human life

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The mother can conceive naturally or take some fertility drugs. Firstly, an egg from
ovaries from the mother is fertilised by a sperm from the father and goes into an
embryo inside the mother’s womb. At first this creation looks like a bundle of cells.
By about eight weeks this bundle of cells gradually turns into the shape of the human
body. This is called the foetus. The foetus totally depends on its mother as it cannot
breathe, drink or eat by itself. After nine months in the mother’s uterus the baby is
born. The baby is usually born in a maternity hospital, in a delivery room.
Obstetricians and midwives help mothers-to-be to deliver the baby. The birth has
three stages. The first one is labor, it means contractions and cervix gets bigger. Then
is the delivery. Baby push out uterus, vagina and mom’s body. The last stage is
afterbirth so placenta come out.


Babies from birth to 1 year are also known as infants. Newborn babies (sucklings) can
breathe, suck, swallow and cry when they feel hungry, cold, hot temperatures or any
uncomfortable situation. This is how they communicate as they still cannot talk.
Babies are usually fed on mother’s milk or they are on formula. They get artificial
milk. Mum is usually on maternity leave. She remains at home with her baby for
certain time: from 2 to 4 weeks in the US, 11 weeks before the baby is born and 29
after in UK and in our country for 3 years.
The helpless baby needs constant care and attention. Its mother must: nurse and
feed the baby. Breastfeed is important because mother’s milk contains antibodies
that protect the baby and milk is sterile and easy to digest. Mum also has to change
nappies on a changing table, use baby lotion to keep baby’s skin soft and also baby
powder that is rubbed on a baby’s bottom to keep the baby dry and many times
smell nice. Mums also wash, iron clothes like as bodysuit and sleepwear. Mothers
bath their baby, take it outdoors in a pram or in pushchair (stroller).
It is often restless. Mother must soothe it, take it on her lap, in her arms, hug it and
caress, shoosing using a rattle. Baby sucks its thumb or dummy (pacifier).
Baby sleeps in a cradle. It is a small bed for newly born baby. Theething tends to start
at the age of 6 months, it is often connected with crying, chewing and fever.
In Britain there is a little creche or nursery provision so in families often help nannies
or au pairs. They take care of the babies, they are regular workers. Baby sitters look
after the baby only on special occasions.


Baby grows into a child. It slowly learns to crawl and then walk. Walker is a toy on
wheels that baby can hold on to while it is learning how to walk. The children also
learn jump, talk, run, eat mashed soft baby food by itself, identify things,
communicate properly, read and write and make friends. Baby is usually potty
trained. Potty is the name for a small portable toilet for a young child to learn how to
use the real toilet. In the stage childhood children can be divided into: toddlers (1-3),
pre-schoolers (3-5) and primary school children (5-12).
Every parent wants to have well-brought-up children who are obedient never talk
back are modest and truthful. But some parents indulge (spoil) their children. They
often say boys are boys, she doesn't mean it. But some parents scold (tell of) their
children all the time. Some spank or slap their children (corporal punishment).

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