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It is not important to do the sport competitively, as to do so recreationally. It gives us break from our daily routine and helps to fortify health. Fresh air, activity and nature have positive effect on our bad lifestyle. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your body. Yoga has a therapeutic affect and also helps to reduce your stress level. Pilates are great for strengthening your “core” muscles which are situated around your midsection. Healthy lifestyle and keeping fit is not only about doing sports. The thing is that you should drink a lot of water (not fizzy drinks or lemonades). Variety of food should be consumed. You will get all the vitamins and disease-fighting potential that food offers. Another tip is to not constantly overeat yourself. It is recommended to exercise at least twice a week. But the more you exercise, the more you need to eat – this is totally okay. Very important is also being well-rested. Good night’s sleep helps to heal and recover muscles and it highs energy levels. You cannot keep fit if you are depressed and unhappy. Following your bliss is a must if you want to live a happy and joyful life. Doing what you are passionate about helps keep you motivated. Nowadays we live in time full of cars and we tend to use them even for small distances. It is not bad if you sometimes grab a bike instead of driving car.

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