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We can so sports either as individuals or as a group – a team. Among such sports or let’s say games, we can find football, volleyball, floorball and other collective sports. Sports can be practised just for fun or in competitive way. When it comes to competitive sports, there are several events when athletes, teams measure their skills. One of the most prestigious events are Olympic Games, where the most talented sportsmen can take part. There are Summer Olympic Games where are practised summer sports. Then there are Winter Olympics Games where sportsmen compete in winter disciplines such as slalom, biathlon, cross-country skiing, ice hockey etc. The Olympic Games are held every four years, with the Summer and Winter Games alternating by occurring every four years but two years apart. Their creation was inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894, leading to the first modern Games in Athens in 1896.

If someone is not into moving his body, he can also watch sports. We can watch them on TV or out of the audience. In our family we watch mostly ice hockey matches, biathlon or football. I went a few times to see tennis match and ice hockey match live. It was definitely better than sitting on the sofa.

In Canada everyone loves and plays ice hockey. However, the national sport in Canada is an indigenous game called lacrosse. It is a field game where each player carries a long-handled racket, called a "crosse." The ball is caught with the crosse and carried on it, or tossed from it, the object being to carry it or throw it through one of the goals placed at opposite ends of the field.
In Britain one of the most popular spectator sports is football. Amongst the minor sports in GB, taekwondo is increasingly popular and together with judo is an Olympic sport. In this fighting event, competitors blend grace and agility with explosive power. They wear protective helmets and body padding. The contest lasts for three rounds, each of which lasts three minutes. Judges decide the winner according to the number of technically correct kicks or blows to the head and body.
Baseball is along with American football really popular in the USA. Nine players on each team take turns, trying to hit a leather ball with a wooden bat. After the ball is hit, the player runs, stepping on bases, before he returns to where he was when he hit the ball, and scores a run (point) for his team. If the other team touches him with the ball, he is "out" and must leave the field (until his next turn).
In Czech Republic we like to watch ice hockey and football. In my opinion, tennis is becoming really popular. I think it is because of success of our tennis players. I used to play tennis when I was younger too. But my coach was rude. She was prejudiced in favour of other kids in group. My parents and I decided that I won’t continue.

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