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Technology - WebSat

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System Description

The Web–Sat Direct is the first device of new generation for continuous bi-directional connection on the Internet. The hub is connected to the spine heterogeneous Internet network by a light- guiding cable allowing fast and efficient connection. Data coming out of it are sent to user terminals by means of the DVB multiplexer with the speed of 4Mbps. (This speed can be increased in case of need). At the same time every terminal is equipped with a possibility of direct communication with the distributor, which is realised in a multiplex regime of the 16 kbps output. Besides the Web-Sat enables mutual interconnection of these devices by means of the satellite. This way two or more devices can be interconnected regardless their geographical dislocation.

What are the implications for the Czechs who are interested? Only one thing and a very pleasant one: you can get connected without any difficulties from any place of our country…

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