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TEST Unit 7 Gateway

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, must, should or would.

Mum: You look really tired Pete. You (1) ………should……………… go to bed early tonight.

Pete: But I can’t. I need to revise for an exam.

Mum: (2) ………Do you have to……………… revise this evening?

Pete: Yes! I’ve got the exam tomorrow.

Mum: If you’d done some revision before, you
(3) ………wouldn’t……………… have to do it tonight!

Pete: I know, Mum. You (4) …don’t have to…… remind me!

Mum: Look, do some revision but you (5) …………mustn’t…………… stay up late, otherwise I’ll be cross. Staying up won’t help you tomorrow.

/ 5

2 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 I mustn’t finish this project this evening so I can go out with you.

……have to……..………..……..………..……..………..

2 Have you to wear a uniform for your job?

Do you have ……..……..………..……..………..……..………..

3 You should to see the new TV series. It’s very interesting.

………..…should see/have to see…..……..………..……..………..

4 Students don’t have to leave the room before the end of the exam.


5 You don’t should drive so fast. The police will stop you!


/ 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these expressions.

be on holiday right now • join the school team
live in the countryside • steal my smartphone
work a lot harder

1 If I could play basketball, I …would join the school team………………… .

2 I’d be on the beach if I …was on holiday right now……… .

3 If I had to take my exams again, I …would work a lot harder… .

4 I’d be really upset if somebody …stole my smartphone……… .

5 I’d go for walks every day if I …lived in the countryside……… .

/ 5

4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

Do you like computer games? What (1) would you/will you say if someone offered you a job as a computer games tester? (2) Most/A lot young people would say yes without thinking twice! It’s the perfect job. You
(3) mustn’t/don’t have to go to work! You just sit on your sofa and switch on your computer or video console. The only requirement is that games testers must be passionate about computer games. (4) As/If you are interested in becoming a tester, you (5) should/have to look for jobs on the Internet – that’s where most people find work.

/ 5 Total / 20


5 Complete the sentences with words for jobs.

1 I’m a …………policeman…………… . Sometimes I have to arrest people.

2 I’m a …………mechanic…………… . I repair people’s cars when they go wrong.

3 I’m a …………journalist…………… . I write stories for newspapers and magazines.

4 I’m a …………receptionist…………… . I check people in and out of their rooms at the hotel.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří