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Many black people live in the South. They influence life, treditions, cooking, clothes, southern music and atmosphere of this part of USA. The South is the home of great American jazz. Jazz and gospel music were begun by southern blacks. Rock and roll music as well as country and western music also has their roots here.

Interesting places – Nashwille – the country of country music, Memphis-E. Presley, New Orleans is the city where jazz was bon. Atlanta is the cradle of Coca-Cola.


The Midwest includes 12 states (Michigan, Wiscon, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri and Kansas).

Much of our food comes from the Midwest. That is why it is called our “breadbasket”.Wheat, corn and soybeans are grown here. Meat and dairy products are shipped nationwide.

Iron, gold, coal and oil are also found here. Lumber is also an important product from the large forests that cover the northern lake area. The lakes and rivers provide life and fun for many people. Factory cities crowd the Great Lakes shores.

The weather of the Midwest is extreme. In winter, extreme cold blasts the Midwest. In summer, there is extreme heat. Another extreme is the storms, blizzards in the winter and severe thunderstorms in summer.

The People: Settlers came to the Midwest after the Revolutionary War because they needed new famrland. Slavery was one early problem because people came from both the South and North and had to decide about slavery.

Interesting places are St. Louis where is a monurment “Gateway Arch”- it comme morales starting point of first settlers who went to the West to find new homes. In the north of the Midwest are industrial centres such as Chicago (is the centre of steel and iron industries), Detroit (is the centre of US car industry – Ford, Cadillac).

The West:

The west is made up of 15 states (Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Alaska and Hawaii). The west is divided into three areas: the desert Southwest, the Rocky Mountain states and the Pacific states.

The Southwest - The desert Southwest includes four states: Oklahoma, Texas, New

Mexico and Arizona.

- The southwestern landscape is dry plains and desert, The summer

heat can be extrem, over 100 degrees.

- Cotton is the largest single

crop and large cattle or sheep ranches use much of the land.

- The major rivers are the Rio Grande and the Colorado.

- Three southwestern state have borders with Mexico: Texas, Arizona

and New Mexico.

- Many families have a Mexican background and are known as

Mexican- Americans or Chicanos (inhabitants who have roots in

Mexico). Mexicans have a big effect on the life in the Southwest.

These effects can be seen in the buildings, food and language.

  • The Southwest is home to many Native Americans.

  • Las Vegas is famous for casinos where gambling is legalized.

The Rocky Mountain States - Six states make up the Rocky Mountain area: Montana,

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