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Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Nevada.

- The land in these states is high above sea level. The

mountains reach over two miles high and the desert

plateaus are lower than the mountains.

- These states have big ski resorts (Denver) and attract

many visitors during the winter season.

- There are also many national parks (Yellow Stone,

Sequoa, Grand Canyon...)

- Sheep and cattle outnumber people in some places.

Farming is widespread in Montana and Idaho.

- Lumber is a major natural product. Here silver and gold

mines still exist, yet coal and copper mining is more


- Few people live in these states. Large areas are still wild

and there are few roads.

- There are few big cities (Denver and Salt Lake City)

The Pacific States - They include five states: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California

and Hawaii.

- The Pacific region is hit by earthquakes ( especially in Alaska

and California ) and volcaones.

- The Pacific region grows many fruits and vegetables.

- Great movements of people have taken place in the Pacific area.

People from Asia and Mexico have come to find work. There is

rapid growth in California, Washington and Oregon.

- Interesting places are San Diego called “Sea World”, Los

Angeles (There we can find the famous film centre Hollywood

and luxurious quarters- Beverly Hills) LA is also the centre of

crime. The biggest Zoo in the world is here. San Francisco is the

hilly city, famous for the “Golden Gate Bridge”- it is one of the

longest bridges in USA. It is also famous for great seafood and

Alcatraz prison. Alcatraz is the island (today museum – prison).


The population of USA is about 267 milions inhabitants.

The density is about 26 people per 1 square km. Now there are about 78 percent white people, the rest are black people, Asian and Pacific islanders and American Indians and Eskimos.

The main spoken languages are here American English but various ethnic minorities speak their original languages (Chinese, Spanish etc.)

America is sometimes called the “melting pot “ or the “salad bowl” or the “Pizza” because people living there are of all possible origins and all the races can mix here together.


The USA is a republic with the President (George Bush) as the head of state. It is a federation of 50 states with 48 on the continent, Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Mid- Pacific.

The federal government has three branches: The executive branche (the President and Executive office – has 13 departments). The President must be an American, born in the US and at least 35 years old. Also he must be a resident of the country for at least 14 years. He is elected for four year term. The legislative branche (both houses of Congress – the Senate – it has 100 members. Each state elects two senators. They must be at least 30 years old, residents of the state from which they are elected, and previously citizens of the US for at least nine years. Senators are elected for six years and terms are so arranged that one- third of the members are elected every two years. The House of Representatives (has 435 members) is chosen by direct vote. Members must be at least 25 years old, residents of the states from which they are elected and previously citizens of the US for at least seven years. They serve for a two – year period. The judiciary branche – the Supreme Court and all other Federal courts. The Supreme Court consists of nine justices (including the chief justice appointed by the president with the agreement of the Senate.

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