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The United States of America is a federal republic of 50 states, including the state of Alaska and the island state of Hawaii in the mid – Pacific Ocean. The states are bordered to the north by Canada, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico, and to the west by the Pacific Ocan. The capital is Washington.
The total area of the United States is 9 529 063 square kilometres.
The US is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China.
The Rocky Mountains and the Coastal Mountains bound central plains to west, the Appalachian Mountains to east and alluvial plains around the Gulf of Mexico. The highest mountain in the USA is Mount McKinley in the Alaska Range which is 6 194 m high.
The largest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri (together 6 212kms). It is the third longest river system in the world after the Amazon and the Nile.
Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario share the USA with Canada.
Climate: Temperatures change from the artic cold in northern Alaska to subtropical warmth of Hawaii and the Gulf Coast States. Tere are many national parks in the USA, especially in the Rocky Mountains Region (Yellowstone, Grand Canyon).
USA is divided into four parts-The Northeast, The South, The Midwest and The West.
Nine states make up the Northeast: Maine, Vemont /New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connectiaut/ Rhode Island, Pennsylvania/ New Jersey (They were part of the first 13 colonies). Northeastern states tend to have cold winters and warm summers. Most of these states have mountains. The Appalachian Mountains cut through the Northeast.
There are many factories in the Northeast. Stone, lumber, glass and steel are the products common to this area. Water power and coal are used to run factories.
The people of the Northeast also have much in common. Many came from Europe (Italian, Irish, German, Polish and Slavic people). They came in large numbers to work in the factories.
Interesting places are N.Y., Washington, famous universities like Harward, Yale and Princeton. Boston is connected with “Boston Tea Party” and foundation of USA.
The South includes 14 states (Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida). There was a war between the North and the South, called the Civil War. The war was primarily about slavery. The northern states wanted to forbid slavery and the southern states wanted to allow it.
There is a mild climate in the southern states . The summers are long and lot while the winters are short and mild. Cotton, tobacco and sugarcane are grown here.
There is a long coastline and fishing is important. Port cities have grown along the ocean and gulf. Florida, for example, is a major resort area. The Appalachian Mountains reach into the south. Coal is one of the few resources. Many rivers flow through the South and therefore the South have grown in the areas of shipping, making electricity and making good farnland. Rivers also cause floods and much damage. The Mississippi River is the largest river in the U.S.- it is a rich source of life for South.