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Error correction - přednáška

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Error correction; providing feedback 

Different approaches to the nature 

and function of feedback 

• What is feedback?  
- information given to the learner about his 

performance of a learning task (objective – 

•  Forms of feedback  
different (´Yes, right!´, a grade of 70 % at an 
exam, raised eyebrow, etc.); 
- Feedback – 2 distinguishable components: 

assessment and correction                 (Ur, 1991, 242) 

• The learner is informed about how well or 

badly he performed (e.g. a percentage grade); 

•  specific information is provided on aspects    

of the learner´s performance (e.g. through 
explanation, providing better alternatives); 

! Correction should include information on 
what the learner did right, as well as wrong, 
and why ! 

Is it possible to keep assessment and 

correction separate? 

Yes, it is possible to give assessment without 
correcting (marking) without the text being 
returned or commented on. 
It is impossible to  comment on what is right or 
wrong  without doing some kind of assessment. 

A meaningful feedback should include both 
components; some judgement should be 
involved, but try to make the attitude to 
mistakes positive: mistakes are a natural and 
useful part of language learning; when the 
teacher gives feedback on them, the purpose is 
to help and promote learning – the way to 
´getting things right´ (Ur, 243) 

• In other words, our evaluation should be 

primarily formative = bringing about 
improvement (to FORM = to enhance x to 

• Summative evaluation  the Teacher´s 

evaluation – an overall of the Learner´s 
knowledge to summarize the situation, i.e. 
how proficient he or she is at a certain point in 
time, or,  how much he or she has progressed 
during a particular time period.  (Summative 
evaluation may contribute little to the 
learning process, but is also needed (Ur, 1996). 

Errors and mistakes 

Témata, do kterých materiál patří