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Introduction to didactics
didaktikós (Greek) = ´able to teach´ (Komenský´s Didactica magna – the 1st systematic work on the teacher´s capacity to teach) →´didaktika´ used in Czech;
Didactics is bigger concept than methodology
Teaching techniques by Comenius
Use imitation instead of rules to teach a language
Have your students repeat after you.
Use a limited vocabulary initially.
Help your students practice reading and speaking.
Teach language through pictures to make it meaningful.
Approach /method/ technique
An approach – reflects a certain model or research paradigm /theory
A method – sets procedures, methods are compatible with one or two approaches
A technique – a classroom device or activity, some techniques are widely used in many methods (dictation, repetition)
Our mother tongue (L1) is learned by acquisition – unconsciously
Foreign language - FL
It is a language that is learned in an area where that language is not generally spoken. It is not a medium of instructions at schools, and is not widely used by the government.
Second language - L2
Learned by acquisition or by learning (by acquisition when we live in bilingual family) – English is L2 in India
It is a language that is not the native language of the speaker, but that is used in the locale of that person. Any language learnt after one's native language.
FL x L2 → L2 plays an important role in a particular country or region though it might not be the first language
Non conscious, natural process of internalizing the rules of language from exposure to comprehensive input
In other words picking up language
The learner pays attention to the meaning rather than form
conscious, systematic activity, involving the study of explicit rules of a language and monitoring one’s performance
SLA - Second language acquisition
Teacher´s activities – to teach a particular item
e.g to teach present simple /progressive
To practise reading for gist
Pupil´s learning – for my pupils to learn a particular item e.g. I will learn how to form present simple/progressive and will know the difference
Any age and level - target: language usage
Used in some sources only for those who study (also) theory
Teacher, other sources
Age related to žák in CZ
Learner – output/výstup)
The extent to which learner’s use of second language conforms to the rules, it is usually measured by grammatical accuracy, it’s the precondition of fluency, it is easy to test
That we are able to communicate
It is the capacity to communicate, you use pausing correctly, pause filters
Aspect which is called sociolinguistic competence, which improves communicative competence
Language systems
Learning a FL involves:
Aspects/elements of the language system (Č jazykové prostředky) – the following sub-systems:
Phonological/Pronunciation (and spelling); sound – Č hláska
Grammatical/Grammar – the structures (and their functions)
Lexical/Vocabulary and phraseology (Č slovní zásoba)