vocabulary teaching
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Teaching vocabulary
‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed
without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.’
( David Wilkins, in Thornbury, 2002: 13)
What is lexis?
computer, water, stock market ,pass the exam,
swim against the tide, it is up to you
vocabulary - typically single words ( pen, house,
roof) sometimes two - or three - word
combinations denoting one item (e.g. stock
market or go off) ;
lexis – a bigger concept, includes also ´ready-
made´ fixed / semi-fixed typical combinations of
Lexis involves
a) traditional single-word vocabulary items
b) common ´going-together patterns´ =
collocations (e.g. blond hair, traffic jam)
c) longer combinations of words –
chunks´/multiword items (e.g. someone you can
talk to, I’d rather not say)
Single words and fixed
two/ three –word
ready made chunks
Formation of new
phrases and sentences
Scrivener , 2011: 187
Students should learn
Form - pronunciation and spelling
Meaning - denotation
Grammar – to/ing,
Collocation - co-occurance with other lexical items
Connotation – emotionally positive/negative
Appropriateness – what context
Receptive knowledge x productive knowledge
How is word knowledge organised?
Mental lexicon
Meaning relationshipsSynonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, co-hyponyms,
subordinates, translation
Word formationPrefixes, suffixes, word combinations
What is the relationship between the words in the
following group?
A big loud oval green sensitive involuntary
B feminine femininity feminist feminism
C strange odd funny peculiar weird
D freezing boiling
E goldfish trout sole eel shark
F lean bank tender tap plain mean flounder
G log on monitor download browser
Malapropism – use of an incorrect word with
similar sound, causing humorous utterences…
False friendsActually –aktuálně
Concretely – konkrétně
Chef - šéf
How are words remembered?
Short – term store ( STS)
Working memory – articulatory loop / visual
Long term memory
Repetition, retrieval, spacing, pacing, use,
cognitive depth, personal organising, imagining,
mnemonics, motivation, attention, affective