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With the Habilitation, the status of „Docent“ (Associate Professor) is awarded.
Assistant professor is a staff member who holds the Ph.D. degree or other doctorate, in some colleges a master’s degree may suffice.
Lecturer is the name given to university teachers in most of the English-speaking world (but not at most universities in the U.S. or Canada who do not hold a professorship. Most lecturers in the UK have Ph.D.s. In many fields this is now a prerequisite of the job.
An undergraduate degree (sometimes called a first degree or simply a degree) is the most common and primary academic degree. The most common type of an undergraduate degree is the bachelor’s degree, which typically takes three or four years to complete. A student following an undergraduate degree programme is known as an undergraduate, because they have not yet graduated (received a degree). Once they have graduated, undergraduate degrees allow their holders to continue into graduate or postgraduate education. The degree abbreviations may vary between institutions, for instance BS and B.Sc. both stand for Bachelor of Science. When comparing the same degree programmes provided by institutions in different countries, there may be no difference between the B.A. degree, which stands for Bachelor of Art, and the B.Sc. Simply saying, Science students will select a number of their electives from the sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), while Arts student will select primarily from the arts and humanities. Beyond these differences, the variation between the B.A. degree and the BS degree depends on the policies of the colleges and universities.
Master’s degree in the recently standardized European system of higher education diplomas, corresponds to a one-year or two-year graduate program to be entered after three years of undergraduate studies to obtain a higher qualification for employment purposes or in preparation for doctoral studies. A graduate student (also grad studentor grad in American English, postgraduate (student) or postgrad in British English) is an individual who has completed a bachelor’s degree and is pursuing further higher education, with the goal of earning a master’s degree (M.A., MS, M.Sc.) or a doctorate.
A doctorate is an academic degree of the highest level. Professional doctoral degrees (also called first professional degrees) are terminal degrees in certain fields, e.g. dentistry or medicine. The most common type of research doctorate is a Ph.D. (Philosophiæ Doctor or Doctor of Philosophy). Research doctorates are nearly always awarded in recognition of academic research that is of a publishable standard. The research is usually assessed by submission and defense of a doctoral thesis or dissertation.
There are various conventions for indicating degrees and diplomas after one's name. In some cultures it is usual to give only the highest degree. In others, it is usual to give the full sequence, in some cases giving abbreviations also for the discipline, or the institution.