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Graduation ceremony involves a procession of the academic staff wearing the academic gowns, and students onto the stage to the accompaniment of organ music. It is followed by delivering speeches, the giving of diplomas, and an official moment when the graduates take the graduation oath by tipping the insignia and saying ”Spondeo ac polliceor”.
The graduates should always be the best ambassadors of their alma mater. Graduation provides the opportunity to recognise your achievements, celebrate with your families and friends and thank them for their encouragement and support.
The term physical education can describe many different things. To most people, physical education refers to the activity classes they took at school. While students in the bachelor degree program in Physical Education and Sport may choose a career as physical education teacher, there are countless other careers and areas of study that a physical education student may pursue. Careers available to the graduates of the degree are varied. Some examples: fitness instructor or consultant, community recreation programmer, coach, exercise physiologist, personal trainer, director or organizer of sporting events, etc.
Physical education and sport closely linked with sport and exercise science is one of the most rapidly advancing areas of life in general. As sport becomes more professionalized and commercionalized, the demand for scientific evidence to improve sport performance and physical fitness of the entire population has increased. Physical activity and exercise is considered vitally important for health, and, therefore, the fields of medicine, health promotion, education and industry take a deep interest in a quality exercise leadership and expertise in diverse areas such as anatomy, physiology, exercise physiology, biochemistry, sports biomechanics, or sports psychology, sports management and physiotherapy.
Graduates are qualified to work independently as P.E. teachers at all levels of the educational system. With their professional, teaching, socio-psychological and organizational competencies, the graduates are allowed to draw up individual and mass exercise/sport programmes, control the process and assess the effectiveness - in the educational system, recreational sport, competitive and elite sport. Their expertise in methodology and teaching methods allows for modifying these programmes in practice and facilitates creative and individual applications in class, team or group leadership with distinctive approach to individuals at various levels of physical and mental development.
The degree courses include instruction in program planning and development; business and financial management principles; sales, marketing and recruitment; event promotion, scheduling and management; facilities management; public relations; legal aspects of sports; and applicable health and safety standards. The graduates are qualified to apply business, coaching and physical education principles to the organization, administration and management of sport programs and teams, professional sports, sports associations and leagues, fitness/rehabilitation facilities and health clubs, sport recreation services, and related services.