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Students apply to one or more faculties or universities by submitting an application. Following thein application, the applicants, who must be a secondary school graduates, have to pass a competitive entrance examination that is to determine whether prospective students have required knowledge and skills to enter the university.


Study programmes are divided into individual academic years, the tume during which a university holds classes. The divisions of each academic year are usually called terms or semesters winter/fall semester and summer/spring semester), depending on the institution and the country. Universities often have two semesters in the academic year, each lasting between 14 and 18 weeks. Each semester is concluded by a five-week examination period reserved only for examinations and other forms of assessment. July and August are referred as the academic holidays. Students must re-enrol after each academic year. Re-enrolment includes a Cheb of the fulfilment of all dutin prescribed by a study programme. The Cheb is carried out by the Faculty Registration Office (or Registrar´s Office in the U.S. universities).


A lecture is, generally, a form of academic instruction where the lecturer usually stands at the front of the room and recites information relevant to the lecture's content. Critics point out that lecturing is mainly a one-way method of communication that does not involve significant audience participation. Some argue that lectures "represent a conception of education in which teachers who know, give knowledge to students who do not and are therefore supposed to have nothing worth contributing”. On the other hand, the use of multimedia presentation software has changed the form of lectures at present time, e.g. PowerPoint, video, graphics, websites, or prepared exercises may be included. Also, lectures delivered by talented speakers can be highly stimulating, which may be the reason why lectures have survived in the academic area as a quick, cheap and efficient way of introducing large numbers of students to a particular field of study.

Lecturing is often contrasted to active learning supplementing the lectures with smaller teaching sections based on active interaction with students. Those forms of teaching are generally known as seminars, tutorials, laboratory or practical sessions, in the academic parlance called practicals.

Seminar is a form of academic instruction, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised and debates conducted. It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system of academic instruction.

In British academic parlance, a tutorial is a small class of one, or only a few students, in which the tutor (professor, assistant professor or an academic advisor) gives individual attention to the students. In some Canadian and American universities, a tutorial refers to a discussion section, that is, a class of between 12-18 students that is supplemental to a large lecture course, which gives students the opportunity to discuss the lectures and/or additional readings in smaller groups.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří