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The event called the X Games is an annual multi-sport event with a focus on action sports. Competitors perform in many different categories and styles, trying to win medals as well as prize money. The competitions often feature never-before-seen tricks. There is also the X Fest – ultimate action sports and music festival, and other events.


A national sport is a sport or game that is considered to be a popularly intrinsic part of the culture of a country or nation. In American English the term “national pastime” is often used. Although there are no official parameters towards defining what a national sport is, there are some general characteristics that most national sports share:

  • The rules and objectives of the sport or game are known in fairly great detail in the country or nation

  • The game or sport is widely played or watched in the country or nation

In some countries, a sport or game can become the official national sport by mandate of the Government, such as with Canada and lacrosse in 1995. In other countries, where a sport or game has a very long history or tradition, and often its origin as well, such as with baseball in the USA or sumo wrestling in Japan, the sport or game is often considered a de facto official national sport (pastime).

Examples of national sports in English speaking countries and in other countries

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: In England football is the most popular sport followed by cricket and rugby. In Scotland the native sport is shinty, but football attracts much larger crowds, Scotland was the birthplace of golf and curling as well. In Wales it is traditionally rugby union, but football is played by more people and attracts much higher attendances.

United States of America: baseball has historically been considered America’s national pastime and a significant aspect of American culture. However, American football currently enjoys greater popularity nationwide than baseball, while basketball is played by a lot of people.

Canada: lacrosse and ice hockey are the official national sports. Among other very popular sports there is basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, female soccer, or curling.

Australia: Cricket is the traditional summer sport. Football and rugby are the most popular winter sports in different parts of the country.

New Zealand: rugby union is most widely performed and most closely linked to national pride, netball is a very popular female sport, cricket is the national summer sport, yachting and sailing are also popular.

Czech Republic: ice hockey and football (soccer) are considered national sports, football tennis originated in the Czech land, hiking, canoe touring, cycling and skiing are very popular pastimes.

Ireland: soccer, golf, India: field hockey, cricket, Japan: sumo wrestling, karate, judo, Belgium: cycling, Ethiopiaand Kenya: athletics, Argentina and Brazil: soccer, Spain: soccer, bullfighting, the Netherlands: speed skating, cycling, China: table tennis, Finland: ice hockey, ski jumping, Norway: skiing, Austria: Alpine skiing, Norway: cross-country skiing, France: soccer, pétanque, Hawaii: surfing, windsurfing, Alaska: dog-sledging, etc.

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