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Active aerobics are placed at the second level of the physical activity pyramid because, next to lifestyle physical activities, they are among the most popular activities among adults. They are more vigorous than lifestyle physical activities, at the base of the pyramid, and this is why they are generally not performed as frequently as lifestyle physical activities. Aerobic activities, such as walking, swimming, exercising with machines, cycling and jogging, are among the top fifteen participation activities in the United States. For many of the aerobic activities, the ranks for males and females are quite similar. There are some differences, however. Aerobic exercise (dance) is sixth for females but not ranked for males, and golf is sixth for males but not ranked for females.

Active recreational activities and sports done at moderate to vigorous intensity are included in the second level of the pyramid. Experts classify activities such as hiking, boating, fishing, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities as recreational. Recreational activities performed in the target zone for building cardiovascular fitness are considered to be active recreational activities and are appropriately included in the second level of the pyramid. Camping is an example and is among the top fifteen participation activities. It is equally popular among males and females. Other examples of popular active recreational activities are backpacking, kayaking, and canoeing.

Active sports can also be included in level 2 of the pyramid because they are vigorous. Basketball is the only active sport in the top fifteen participation activities. It is typically anaerobic and intermittent. Other aerobic sports include racquetball, tennis, soccer, and hockey. When done consistently with the FIT formula for cardiovascular fitness, these sports can provide benefits similar to those of active aerobics. Swimming and cycling are popular activities that can be considered sports. However, most people do these activities noncompetitively, so they are considered as active aerobics in this book.

Sports such as golf, bowling, and billiards/pool are aerobic but are light to moderate in intensity. For this reason, they are classified as lifestyle physical activities.

Table 1: Most Popular Participation Activities
(Source: National Sporting Goods Association)

Activity Rank Male Female Walking 1 2 1 Swimming 2 3 2 Camping 3 4 4 Fishing 4 1 10 Exercising with machines 5 8 3 Bowling 6 7 5 Cycling 7 5 7 Billiards/Pool 8 9 8 Basketball 9 10 14 Golf 10 6 - Hiking 11 13 9 Jogging 12 14 11 Aerobics (dance) 13 - 6 Boating 14 15 12 Resistance training 15 12 15 Hunting - 11 - Rollerblading - - 13


apparatus- nářadí
adjust- přizpůsobit, seřídit
aerials- akrobatické skoky na lyžích (disciplina)
aerobatics- letecká akrobacie
air sports- letecké sporty
approach- přístup; rozběh
aquatics- plavecké sporty
archery- lukostřelba
artistic cycling- krasojízda
bobsleigh- boby
boccia- sport pro postižené – obdoba hry Petángue
canoe touring- vodní turistika
chariot races- závody klusáků
climbing- lezení
combat sports- úpolové sporty
combat- boj, zápas
cross-country skiing- běh na lyžích
crowd- diváci, dav
cycleball- kolová (sport)
disability- postižení
diving- skoky do vody, potápění
dog-sledging- psí spřežení (závody)
downhill race- závod ve sjezdu (na lyžích)
dressage- drezura
equestrian- jezdectví
event- událost, závod, disciplina
exertion- vynaložení sil, úsilí
feature- rys/ uvádět, hrát důležitou roli
fencing- šerm
figure skating- krasobruslení
flat water canoeing- rychlostní kanoistika
focus on- zaměřit se na
football tennis- nohejbal
gear- výstroj, výzbroj, vybavení, potřeby
giant slalom- obří slalom
goalball- hra pro nevidomé sportovce
half-pipe- U rampa (snowboardová disciplina)
handball- házená
hang-gliding- létání na rogalovém křídle
horse rating- dostihy
hurdles- překážky (v atletice)
ice dancing- tance na ledě
ice sledge hockey- lední hokej pro postižené sedící na spec. saních
impairment- postižení, defekt
indoor cycling- sálová cyklistika
life saving- záchranářství
luge, skeleton- saně (olympijské discipliny)
military- vojenský; jezdecká disciplina
moguls- jízda v boulích (disciplina akrobatického lyžování))
mountaineering- horolezectví
orienteering- orientační běh
outcome- výstup, výsledek
pole vault- skok o tyči
power-boating- závody motorových člunů
powerlifting- vzpírání v leže pro postižené
prize money- cena ve formě peněz
pursuit- stíhací závod
recognise- uznat
relay- štafeta
road cycling- silniční cyklistika
rowing- veslování
sailing- jachtink
scuba diving- přístrojové potápění
sculling- skulérské veslování
shooting- střelba
shot put- vrh koulí
show dumping- parkůr
sled, sledge- saně
speed skating- rychlobruslení
stage- etapa/uvádět
steeplechase- běh přes překážky (v atletice a v jezdectví)
track cycling- dráhová cyklistika
turf- dostihy
stunt- akrobatický prvek, trik
synchronised swimming- akvabely; synchronisované plavání
underwater sports- sporty pod vodou
weightlifting- vzpírání
wheelchair- vozíček (pro postižené)
whitewater canoeing- kanoistika na divoké vodě
wrestling- zápas (sport)

Témata, do kterých materiál patří