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The thigh is the area between the hip and the knee. The single bone in the thigh is called the femur. This bone is very thick and strong and forms a ball and socket point at the hip, and a condylar joint at the knee.

The knee is the lower extremity joint connecting the femur and the tibia. It actually is comprised of two separate joints. The femoro-patellar joint consists of the patella, or "kneecap"and the patellar groove on the front of the femur through which it slides. The femoro-tibial joint links the femur, or thigh bone, with the tibia, the main bone of the lower leg. The cartilaginous elements within the knee joint, which serve to protect the ends of the bones from rubbing on each other, are called the menisci.

The lower leg is the area between the knee and the ankle, consisting of two bones, tibia and fibula. The muscles found at the back of the lower leg form the calf.

The ankle joint is formed where the foot and the leg meet. The ankle is a hinge joint that connects the distal ends of the tibia and fibula in the lower leg with the proximal end of the talus bone in the foot.

The foot, adjusted to bear the weight of the body, is made up by five toes (big, pointer, middle, ring, little or pinky toes), the bottom of the foot, that is called the sole, instep, the arch of the foot, and heel. The ball of the foot is where the toes join with the rest of the foot. It is muscular and easily blistered. Runners often move with their weight on the balls of their feet for better balance.


The human musculoskeletal systém consists of the skeleton, made up of bonec attached to other bonec with joints, and skeletal musclec attached to the skeleton by tendons. The skeleton od an adult consist of more than 200 bones of variol kapes and sizes. They are made up of hard osseous tissue and described as long, short, flat and irregular.


The human body contains more than 650 individual muscles which are attached to the skeleton by tendons. The main function of all muscles is to provide movement for the body. The muscular system consists of three different types of muscle tissues: skeletal, cardiac and smooth. Each of these different tissues has the ability to contract, which then allows body movements and functions. There are two types of muscles in the system and they are the involuntary muscles, and the voluntary muscles. The muscles working under our conscious control are called the voluntarymuscles and the ones the function of which can not be consciously controlled are the involuntary muscles. The heart, or the cardiac muscle, is an example of an involuntary muscle.

The skeletal muscles make up about 40 % of an adults body weight. It has stripe-like markings, or striations. The skeletal muscles are composed of long muscle fibers. The nervous system controls the contraction of the muscle. Many of the skeletal muscle contractions are automatic. However we still can control the action of the skeletal muscle. And it is because of this reason that the skeletal muscle is also called voluntary muscle.

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