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Move your mouse over the sample sitting positions to see images:

  • L seat: (long sitting), feet together, knees and back straight

  • Tailor seat: cross-legged sitting position

  • V seat: sitting position, both legs raised, feet at the chest level

  • Straddle: sitting position, legs apart, (straddle)

  • Hurdle seat: sitting in hurdle position, with the left/right lead leg

  • Seat on heels: sitting in the kneeling position


ARM MOVEMENTS: exercises can be performed with the arms raised, stretched sideways, forward or backward, or crossed on the chest. They can be bent (slightly) at the elbows, or kept straight.

Changing the arm positions results in arm action, which is performed by e.g. circling, driving or bringing the arms forward or backward, lowering down, swinging or sweeping. The arm movements can be also done with the palms facing upward or down, or placed flat on the floor. The hands can be put, or rest, on the hips, clasped behind the head, or placed flat on the floor.

LEG MOVEMENTS: the exercise can be performed with the legs straight, stretched or bent (slightly or fully) at the knees or hips. Changing the position of legs results in leg action or footwork, which can be accomplished by raising/lowering the legs together or alternately, lunging, swinging, or driving the legs forward/backward. The leg action can be also taken with the feet flat on the floor, with the toes pointing upward, forward, inward, or outward.

UPPER BODY (TRUNK) MOVEMENTS: when doing the exercise, the upper body can be kept straight when we are instructed to stand o sit straight (tall), or (slightly) bent when leaning forward, backward, to side, or against e.g. a wall. Changing the upper body position can be also done by raising or lowering the upper body from the lying position, twisting in both directions, circling, or curling the trunk slowly and gradually.


Abdominal Curl-up
Lie on your back, with the knees bent (to about 90 degrees) and feet flat on the floor. Avoid anchoring your feet down. Do a “pelvic tilt”, pressing your lower back to the floor, then slowly curl forward, lifting your shoulder blades and upper back off the floor. Hold this “up position” for couple of seconds, then slowly curl back down. Look toward the ceiling (not at your knees) throughout so you don’t bend your neck too fat forward. Make the curl-up increasingly difficult by changing the arm positions: with arms straight, slide hands along the floor; with arms straight, slide the hands up the thighs as far as the knees; cross arms on the chest; bend arms and hold hands against the ears.

Thigh Stretch
While standing, bend one knee, grasp your ankle and pull your foot gently toward your buttocks. Keep the supporting leg slightly bent and your back straight. Use a chair for support if you need to.

Low Back Stretch
While lying on your back, grasp your hands behind one knee and bring it toward your chest.

Take the starting press-up position, position your hands at shoulder level with your palms flat on the floor slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Use either the knees or the feet for the pivot point (using the feet requires more strength). Then keeping your body in line (don’t sag!), straighten your arms to push your body up, then lower it again until you are almost touching the floor and repeat the whole pattern again.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří