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Gramatický proseminář I (Ivana Jančovičová) - zápisky z hodin

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  1. Omluvíte-li mě, půjdu dokončit balení. If you will excuse me, I will finish my packing. Zde po if jde napsat will, jde o polite request

  2. Otočil klíčem v zámku, ale dveře nešly otevřít. He turned his key in the lock, but the door wouldn’t open. (nejdou = won’t)

  3. To má být poklona? Is that to be a compliment?

  4. Zdá se, že naše snaha byla zbytečná. Nemuseli jsme se tak namáhat. It seems that our effort was useless. We needn’t have tried so much/Our effort seems to have been in vain.

  5. Je divné, že se od té doby neobjevil. It’s weird that he hasn’t appeared since then/ It’s weird that he shouldn’t have appeared since then – should se vyskytuje po hodnotících výrazech

  6. Měli mi přijít naproti, ale nikdo nepřišel. They were to have met me, but nobody came.

  7. Možná, že odešla dříve. She might/could have left earlier.

  8. Jistě jste si toho všiml. You must have noticed it/You will have noticed it

  9. Přece si to v poslední chvíli nerozmyslel. He can’t/couldn’t have changed his mind at the last moment.

  10. Nemusel jsi sem chodit, mohl jsi mi zatelefonovat. You needn’t have come here, you could’ve telephoned me.



The mistakes are corrected.

The mistakes are being corrected. Progressive present

The mistakes will be corrected. Future

The mistakes will have been corrected. Future perfect

The mistakes were being corrected. Progressive past

The mistakes had been corrected. Past perfect

The mistakes have been corrected. Present perfect

The mistakes would be corrected. Present conditional

The mistakes would have been corrected. Past conditional

The mistakes were corrected. Simple preterite

Chyby se opravují už dvě hodiny. The mistakes have been (being) corrected for 2 hours.

How long → pres. perf.


  1. Budu rád, až odjedou. I will be glad when they leave.

  2. Myslel jsem, že nemá smysl pro humor. I thought he had no sense of humor.

  3. Vítr, který vál od časného rána, přinesl změnu počasí.

  4. Potkal jsem ho, když odcházel.

  5. Podíval jsem se z okna – ti dva muži stále ještě vykládali nákladní auto.

  6. Od té doby, co je nemocen, bere prášky na spaní.

  7. Stmívalo se, když jsme dojeli do tábora.

  8. Zahlédl jsem ho, když jsem nastoupil do tramvaje.

  9. Zahlédl jsem ho, když jsem nastupoval do tramvaje.

  10. Přinesla mi šálek čaje a šla obsloužit nějaké zákazníky, zatímco jsem ho pil.

  11. Vydali jsme se na cestu, když se rozednilo.

  12. Vydali jsme se na cestu, když se rozednívalo.

  13. Myslel jsem, že ti to řeknu, až tě uvidím.

  14. Myslel jsem si, že jsi to ty, ale neuměl jsem si představit, co tady děláš.

  1. The wind, which had been blowing since early morning, brought a change in weather.

  2. I met him when/while he was leaving. / I met him leaving.

  3. I looked out of a window – the two men were still unloading the van.

  4. Since he's been ill, he has been taking sleeping pills. (since he is ill = poněvadž je nemocen)

  5. It was getting dark when we got to/arrived at the camp.

  6. I saw him when/as I had got on the tram. / After I had got on the tram, I saw him.

  7. I saw him when/as I was getting on the tram.

  8. She brought me a cup of tea and went to serve some customers, while I was drinking it.

  9. We set out when it had dawned. (dawn funguje též jako sloveso)

  10. We set out when it was dawning.

  11. I thought that I'd tell you when I saw you. (I'll tell you when I see you → I thought I’d tell you when I saw you.)

  12. I thought that it was you, but I couldn't imagine what you were doing here. Hovorově: I thought that it is you, but I couldn't imagine what are you doing here.

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