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each cabinet’s bass port is front-mounted, you can position the monitors near a wall 

(or even in a wall) without fear of blocking the port, which would compromise the

bass response.

Your monitors should be placed on a stable surface at about ear level. A typical 

location would be slightly behind and to either side of a small console. The distance 

between the monitors should equal the distance from the listener to either speaker. 

This is the common “equal length triangle” rule for speaker placement shown in 

Figure 1.

Figure 1. When the listener and the monitors are positioned in an

equal triangle with the monitors directly facing the listener, the listener is

situated in the “sweet spot,” which yields optimum stereo reproduction.

Notice that Figure 1 also shows the speaker cabinets turned slightly inward, so 

that the driver components directly face the listening position. When oriented 

this way, the listener is in the “sweet spot,” which yields the most accurate stereo 

reproduction. When the speakers are properly rotated toward you, the ALP5’s power 

indicator LED will be clearly visible, with no part of it blocked by the front panel 

baffle. If you must mount the speakers substantially above or below ear level, you 

will also need to tilt the cabinets downward or upward to keep the driver components 

directly facing you. Again, use the LED as an indicator of proper positioning.

As you become more familiar with your speakers, you may find it helpful to move 

around in the soundfield to locate the optimum listening position for your particular 

monitoring environment. But if you follow the equal distance, ear-level, face-on rules 

outlined above, you’ve already optimized their position for a single user in most 


Connections and Operation

Please refer to Figure 2 on the opposite page.
Balanced XLR Line Input This jack accepts a male XLR connector, wired for either 

balanced or unbalanced operation. For balanced operation, please consult the pin 

wiring diagram on Page 5 or on the monitor’s back panel.
The Line 1 input is hardwired in parallel with the Line 2 input, so either may be used 

as an input or as a pass-through connection. Input specifications apply to both inputs 


Balanced 1/4” Line Input This jack accepts a male two-conductor 1/4” TS or three-

conductor 1/4” TRS connector, wired for either balanced or unbalanced operation. 

For unbalanced operation with a TS connector, the minus signal is automatically 

grounded; with a TRS connector you have the option of leaving the minus input 

open or grounded. We recommend, however, that you ground the minus input. For 

balanced operation, which requires using a TRS connector, please consult the pin 

wiring diagram on Page 5 or on the monitor’s back panel.
The Line 2 input connector is hardwired in parallel with the Line 1 input connector, so 

Témata, do kterých materiál patří