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  • A speaker using the word but between coordinate clauses thinks that some contrast or concession relation is relevant between the clauses.

Nonconventional Implicature


An nonconventional implicature is a implicature that is drawn in accordance with pragmatic principles, such as the cooperative principle or the informativeness principle, rather than the meaning of a lexical item or expression.



Exophora is reference of an expression directly to an extralinguistic referent.

The referent does not require another expression for its interpretation.



Deixis is reference by means of an expression whose interpretation is relative to the (usually) extralinguistic context of the utterance, such as:

  • who is speaking

  • the time or place of speaking

  • the gestures of the speaker

  • the current location in the discourse



Here are examples of deictic expressions:

  • I

  • You

  • Now

  • There

  • That

  • The following

  • Tenses

Time Deixis


Time deixis is reference to time relative to a temporal reference point. Typically, this point is the moment of utterance.


  • Temporal adverbs

    • now / then

    • yesterday / today / tomorrow

  • Distinctions in tense

Discourse Deixis


Discourse deixis is deictic reference to a portion of a discourse relative to the speaker's current “location” in the discourse.


  • Switch Reference

  • Token-Reflexive Deixis



Use of this to refer to a story one is about to tell in:

 I bet you haven’t heard this story.

Reference to Chapter 7 of a book by means of in the next chapter or in the previous chapter, depending on whether the reference is made from Chapter 6 or 8.

Use of this in a creaky-voiced utterance of:

 This is what phoneticians call a creaky voice.

Token-Reflexive Deixis


Token-reflexive deixis is discourse deixis in which the deictic expression refers to the expression or speech act in which it occurs.


  • This is what phoneticians call "creaky voice."

[the utterance itself is spoken with creaky voice]

  • I hereby apologize.

Switch Reference


Switch reference is a grammatical category with the following features:

  • It signals the identity or nonidentity of the referent of an argument of one clause, usually its subject, with an argument of another clause, which is likewise usually the subject.

Switch reference functions to avoid ambiguity of reference; for example, it may distinguish between two referents that are third person and that, thus, may not be otherwise distinguished on the verb.

  • It relates clauses, usually adjacent, that may be subordinate or coordinate to one another.

  • It is expressed

    • usually by inflectional affixes on the verb

    • sometimes by the same affixes that express subject-verb agreement within the clause, and

    • rarely by a morpheme independent of the verb.

Empathetic Deixis


Empathetic deixis is the metaphorical use of deictic forms to indicate emotional or other psychological “distance” or “proximity” between a speaker and a referent.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří