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  • The use of this to indicate the speaker’s empathy

  • The use of that to indicate the speaker’s emotional distance

Person Deixis


Person deixis is deictic reference to the participant role of a referent, such as

  • the speaker

  • the addressee, and

  • referents which are neither speaker nor addressee.


Person deixis is commonly expressed by the following kinds of constituents:

  • Pronouns

  • Possessive affixes of nouns

  • Agreement affixes of verbs

Second Person Deixis


Second person deixis is deictic reference to a person or persons identified as addressee.


  • you

  • yourself

  • yourselves

  • your

  • yours

First Person Deixis


First person deixis is deictic reference that refers to

  • the speaker, or

  • both the speaker and referents grouped with the speaker.


  • Exclusive First Person Deixis

  • Inclusive First Person Deixis



  • The following singular pronouns:

    • I

    • me

    • myself

    • my

    • mine

  • The following plural pronouns:

    • we

    • us

    • ourselves

    • our

    • ours

  • Am, the first person form of the verb be

Third Person Deixis


Third person deixis is deictic reference to a referent(s) not identified as the speaker or addressee.


  • Obviative Person Deixis

  • Proximate Person Deixis


  • he

  • she

  • they

  • the third person singular verb suffix -s

He sometimes flies.

Place Deixis


Place deixis is deictic reference to a location relative to the location of a participant in the speech event, typically the speaker.


  • Boundedness



  • this (way)

  • that (direction)

  • here

  • there

Social Deixis


Social deixis is reference to the social characteristics of, or distinctions between, the participants or referents in a speech event.


  • Absolute Social Deixis

  • Relational Social Deixis


The distinction, found in many Indo-European languages, between familiar and polite second person pronouns is an expression of social deixis.

Searle's Classification of Speech Acts

Assertives :

They commit the speaker to something being the case. The different kinds are: suggesting, putting forward, swearing, boasting, concluding. Example: ``No one makes a better cake than me''.

Directives :

They try to make the addressee perform an action. The different kinds are: asking, ordering, requesting, inviting, advising, begging. Example: ``Could you close the window?''.

Commisives :

They commit the speaker to doing something in the future. The different kinds are: promising, planning, vowing, betting, opposing. Example: ``I'm going to Paris tomorrow''.

Expressives :

They express how the speaker feels about the situation. The different kinds are: thanking, apologising, welcoming, deploring. Example: ``I am sorry that I lied to you''.

Declarations :

They change the state of the world in an immediate way. Examples: ``You are fired, I swear, I beg you''.

accentuation - zdůraznění

attenuation - zmírnění

Positive and negative face

Negative face

Negative face describes the basic personal rights of an individual, including his/ her personal freedom as well as freedom of action. One's negative face is a neglection of all factors which represent a threat towards individual rights. One popular example is the freedom of speech, which includes one's need not to be interrupted by others while speaking.

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