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21. Czechs known abroad

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On 17 June 2011, she married Czech International hockey player Tomáš Plekanec who plays centre for the Montreal Canadiens in the National Hockey League. The couple has 2 sons, Matyáš and Adam.

Josef Gočár

Josef Gočár was born on 13th of March 1880 in Semín near Přelouč and died on 10th of September 1945 in Jičín. He was a Czech architect, one of the founders of modern architecture in Czechoslovakia.

Josef Gočár received his early instruction at the State Technical School in Prague. At the age of 23 he went to study under Jan Kotěra and for two years afterward, Gočár was employed by Kotěra's studio. At that time he decided to join the Mánes Union of Fine Arts, but left it in 1911 to join the Cubist Group of Visual Artists. After the death of Kotěra, Gočár became a professor at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts.

After his involvement in cubism, Gočár turned to "national" Czech Rondocubism style in the early 1920s. Later on he adopted the Functionalist approach to architecture.

For his work he received many awards and had his own Exposition in Paris.

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