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Another problem is leaving your home. When teenagers become adults, it’s the time when most of them leave or at least want to leave home. This is mostly a difficult period for parents, because a lot of them don’t want to let their children go into the „dangerous world“. But there are also children who don’t want to go and stay home even until their thirties. They like to stay at home, because everything is more comfortable, you still have your old room that you’re used to. You don’t have to move anywhere and parents still take care of you. It’s also advantageous for the money, because at home, you don’t have to pay the rent, you only contribute to household and do some houseworks. You donť have to pay for example an electricity, gas and other charges, too. You also don’t have to live a lonely life, there is always someone in the house to return to. Some children prefer to leave home as soon as possible because they want to live their own life, without parent control, they want to try to live alone. They also often seek for privacy which they don’t have at home. Parents see it usually in a similar way. Some of them don’t want to let children go because they still see them as little kids that need to be protected and they want to still control their lives. They’re also afraid of emptiness or that their life will lose its purpose without children. But some of them want to let their children go, because it’s time to teach them how to be responsible as an adult. Parents also want to enjoy their retirement and the money they earned during their lives, for example they want to travel, find new hobbies and other things. They also want their privacy back.

It’s difficult to say when it’s the best age to leave home, but I think the best is to leave home as soon as you start working or when you find a partner with whom you want to live alone. You can also leave when you start going to university and you need to move closer, for example to the college.

I have to mention also the problems connected with housing. The first problem is financing the accommodation. The prices of houses and flats still rise and the rent is also higher and higher. These days, it’s really difficult to find a nice accommodation in a good locality and for a low price. To help the financing, people often use mortgages or special „housing savings accounts“. Mainly the young people open the savings accounts so they can buy some lodging in their adulthood. Mortgages are used very often, but sometimes, people can have problems with the pay-off.

To make a conclusion, housing has become an inseparable part of our lives. Having your own home, it’s not only a dream, but also a need of all the people. Mostly we don’t realize the importance of having a place to sleep, to live and to return to. I think the size of your lodging is not important, it’s important to feel there at home. It’s important where we feel at home and where we like to return to forever.

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