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obesity, speech defects, no friends, bad health, video games also train children to pay attention to every detail, many computer programs increase a child's readiness and may provide basic skills, interactive media can be used to explore children's talents

developed of the energy

- muscle power: primitive tools, invention of the wheel was followed by watermill and windmill

- steam engine: improved by James Watt

- the dynamo: it was developed by Michael Faraday in 1831, it was basic of electrical engineering

- electricity: very important for electrical motors which powered all kinds of machinery or lighting

most useful form of energy

- petrol-driven motorcar: it was developed by Karl Benz in 1885 -> it made transport faster and more comfortable

- nuclear energy: another source of energy

* Digital technology, computers, other modern devices – advantages / disadvantages

- the development of science and technology brought to people many advantages but also many disadvantages

- we should use the technology wisely so that we can improve our lives and don’t destroy it!

-> advantages

- it made our lives easier and more comfortable

- sometimes science can help to make a human life longer – for example in medicine => many people can be cured
- science and technology help us to learn new information about our life, the life of animals, our world and the space - people can travel to space, search the oceans and the jungle because we have the technology for it
- science and technology helps us to overcome the distance, for example the telephone – we can talk to and see

people who are far away from us, even on the other side of the world
- it helps us to make transactions easier – we use credit cards, phone cards…
- it can help us to protect our environment – to find some alternative sources of energy (the wind and solar power)

-> disadvantages
- the science has brought some ethical problems – for example the cloning of animals and people
- we can be destroyed by the new inventions – ballistic missiles, laser and nuclear weapons
- pollution of the environment – on the one hand the science can help us to protect it, on the other hand, we can

destroy it by fertilizers, pesticides…
- we spend less time talking to our family and friends – we prefer sending messages, surfing,...

What is the procedure for conducting / doing an experiment?

First, you need to have a hypothesis / an idea that you want to prove. Second / next, you have to test this hypothesis / do an experiment… It’s important to record all of your results very accurately / precisely… Sometimes you may have to do the experiment more than once to test / check your results. If the experiment confirms / shows your hypothesis you can say it proves it.

What benefits does science bring?

Science increases our understanding / knowledge of the world; it shows how the world / universe work(s).

It is the most reliable way of showing what is true or false, it improves our living conditions.

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