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- his universal law of gravitation explained for the first time the phenomena of the universe

James Watt - Scottish engineer who developed a new type of steam engine of much great efficiency the previous one

George Stephenson - English engineer who constructed the first successful steam locomotive and built the word’s

first public passenger railway

Michael faraday - English chemist and physicist who is known especially for the discovery of the transformation

of energy from mechanical to electrical which led to the later discovery of the electric generator

- he also experimented with electromagnetism

Charles Darwin - English scientist who developed the modern theory of evolution and proposed the principle

of natural section

Thomas Alva Edison - he invented many important things, the most important invention is the electric bulb

Alexander Graham Bell - Scottish inventor, who patented his invention of the telephone

Albert Einstein - he profoundly influenced science in many fields, such as radiation physics and thermodynamics,

but he is best known for formulating the theories of relativity, he won the Nobel prize

Sir Alexander Fleming - Scottish bacteriologist, who discovered the first antibiotic drug, penicillin, he won the NP

James Watson - American biologist whose research on the molecular structure of DNA and the genetic code

Jan Jánský - he divided human blood into four blood groups according to the blood sedimentation rate

Johann Gregor Mendel - he is founder of scientific genetics

- the three Mendel's laws became the basic of the modern heredity science

* Changes of the means of communication

- The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell at the end of the 19th century. Since that it has changed

a lot. A few years ago, many families used to have their phone lines in their homes. In the last decades, mobile

phones started to be popular.

- For some people it is a kind of fashion – they boast with their modern mobiles. Old mobiles had black and white

screen and you could only make phone calls or text.

- Modern mobiles are multifunctional. You can not only make phones calls and send short messages with your

mobile, but you can also take a photo, shoot a video, get connected to the Internet, find vocabulary in foreign

language, you can use it as an alarm clock, play games etc.

* Modern technology, devices and gadgets we use in everyday life (household appliances, modern aids at schools),

different lifestyles (nowadays, 50-100 years ago, developed/developing countr.), children and modern technology

- in the kitchen: fridge, blender, toaster, waffle maker, smoothie maker, oven, microwave

- in the bathroom: hairdryer, electric toothbrush, electric shaver/razor

- other equipment: sewing machine, iron, vacuum cleaner, video camera, fan

- musical and TV equipment: turntable, CD player, cassette deck, speaker, headphones, DVD player

- mobile phone and computers (notebooks), cameras, USB disks

- interactive whiteboards, data projectors

children and modern technology:

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