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- does not create any pollution and is widely used by many countries

- ineffective in colder regions, it can't be used during night

- wind

- it does not cause any air pollution and have created several jobs in last few decades

- wind energy can only be used in areas which experience high winds

- they sometimes create noise disturbances and cannot be used near residential areas

- these disadvantages have made the use of wind energy to particular regions only

- geothermal energy

- completely clean and renewable

- most countries tap this energy to generate electricity and power millions of homes

- the areas which have high underground temperatures are the ones which are the ones which are

prone to earthquakes and volcanoes

- the USA produces more Geothermal electricity than any other country in the world

- produces no pollution, reduces our alliance on fossils fuels, it also results in significant cost savings as no

fuel is required to harness energy from beneath the earth

- advantages make geothermal energy as one the best alternative energy source

- geothermal has its downsides too: it is suitable to particular region and cannot be harnessed everywhere

- biomass energy, hydrogen, hydroelectric

* Different fields of science, the most developing branches

- one field of science is:

-> chemistry, which is concerned with / deals with the composition / components of matter / substances / chemicals

such as elements / molecules / ions and their properties…

-> physics, which studies physical laws / laws of nature / forces such as heat, motion, gravity, magnetism,

electricity… subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons and electron

-> biology, which deals with / studies organisms / plants and animals / life / the composition / building blocks…

of life, such as cells, chromosomes, genes, DNA, proteins and amino acids.

* Development of transport system

- important for mobility of people, good and information - for economy

- transportation developments have taken place since the beginning of the industrial revolution

- five major waves of economic development:

- seaports - international trade through colonial empires

- rivers and canals - to transport heavy goods, inland distribution systems

- railways - more flexible and high capacity inland transportation system

- this opened up economic and social opportunities through the extraction (těžba) of resources,

the settlement of regions and the growing of freight (náklad) and passengers

- roads - the Romans built roads to unify and provide access to their empire

- the 20th century - highway systems and automobile manufacturing is a major economic sector

- new forms of social opportunities (suburbanization, travelling)

- airways - the second half of 20th century

* Famous scientists / discoveries and inventions

Sir Isaac Newton - English mathematician, physicist, astronomer and philosopher

- he discovered the law of gravity, created calculus, discovered that white light is composed

of many colours and developed the three standards laws of motion still in use today

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