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- X- rays - Wilhelm Rontgen working with electrical discharges in glass tubes noticed in that there was a faint glow on

a nearby screen, these rays were invisible and could pass through most materials, he also recorded them on

photographic paper and thus the first X-ray image was developed

- X-rays were quickly adapted for their use in medicine; they are especially useful in examining the skeletal

system, but they can also identify other diseases, for example pneumonia and lung cancer

- Marie Curie is best remembered for her research into radioactivity and new radioactive elements

- rocket and space flights - knowledge of astronomy meant that scientists knew the relative movements of the planets

in relation to the Earth

- a Russian mathematics teacher was the first person to draw up plans for space stations

and air locks to allow space walks

- the atomic bomb - the nuclear power is as beneficial as dangerous

- scientists proved Einstein’s theory of relativity and unlocked the secrets of the atomic nucleus ->

-> having that knowledge allowed scientists to develop the atomic bomb

- atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan to end the WWII in 1945

5. The third scientific-technical revolution (1945-...)

- after the WWII new discoveries and advances in science and technology came thick and fast

- plastics were developed for the first time, than the first practical programmed electronic computer ran problems

- the electronic silicon chip was invented, computers became smaller and more powerful

- mobile telephone technology means we have instant contact with friends and family

- during this period, there have also been huge advances in genetics since the discovery of the structure of DNA

* Sources of energy, variety of materials – past / present / future

- the earliest material used by humans were wood, bone, horn, shell and stone

- metals were difficult to get

- in the industrial revolution new materials were introduced, such as glass, leather, paper, porcelain

- most of our energy from non-renewable sources (neobnovitelné) fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, coal

(they're formed by the action of heat from the Earth's core and pressure from rock and soil on the remains of dead

plants and animals), another is uranium

- electricity as a source of energy means it can be put to an almost limitless set of applications which include

transport, heating, lighting, communications

- the backbone of modern industrial society is, and for the foreseeable future can be expected to remain, the use

of electrical power

- muscle power - in early human history, the only power was muscle power augmented by primitive tools

- alternative energy sources

- they are environmental friendly

- solar energy - many living things are dependent on solar energy: plants, humans, and the animals

- the solar is mostly used in generating light and heat

- it is also used for drying clothes, used by plants during the process of photosynthesis and also used by

human beings during winter seasons to make their body temperature warm

Témata, do kterých materiál patří