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6. Key moments in american history

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The American Revolution – The War of Independence (1775 – 1783):

  • Till 1763: American support → defeat of the French

    • After that: prohibiton of moving further West and extanding territory – no money for fighting with Indians – GB has to pay its own war debtsincreasing taxes for Americans and preventing them from free international trade (to keep them for GB → source of money)

  • A movement to end Britih rule in American colonies became active in the 1770‘s

  • 1765: Stamp act – all printed material including newspapers → resistance and boycott of English goods

    • It was later revoked, but the autonomy of colonies was bannes and new taxes (duties) introduced → again the boycott → raising the number of soldiers in US, duties are revoked apart from tea – British monopol

  • 1773: The Boston Tea Party – the act of throwing a cargo of tea into the sea in protest against the duty on it.

    • local settlers dressed as Native Americans

    • from this point on the struggle for independence got stronger

  • 1775: war between GB and the colonies

  • 1776: The Continental Congress (representatives of 13 colonies) met in Philadelphia as a rebellious body, which organized first American troops commanded by George Washington. -

    • On 4th July 1776 – The Declaration of Independence was adopted and proclaimed. The author of this document was Thomas Jefferson. Thus, in fact the War of Independence started.

    • From the Declaration of Independence: “All the men are created equal; all men have the right to life, libertyand the pursuit of happiness.“

    • Consent of the govored – idk !!!!!!!!!!!

    • They formed the United States of America – independent from British, own laws

    • Powerful countries In Europe – wanted to get their support – needed regognizing from

    • Founding fathers: G. Washington, T. Jefferson, B. Franklin = formation of the country's new government

  • The war of Independence

    • At first, Washington´s army suffered several defeats but later on the superiority of the British began to weaken, mainly because they didn´t know the area.

    • Americans got the support from the volunteers from Europe and later from the French and Spanish army

  • 1783: Britain recognized USA

    • Treaty of Paris

    • the original 13 colonies who were proclaimed independent are symbolized in the 13 stipes of the American flag

    • GB also gave the nation rights to almost all the territory between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.

  • 1788: The Constitution adopted USA a federation: Congress (House of Representatives + Senate)

  • 1789 – George Washington – the first president

  • 1791 – Bill of Rights (freedom of speech, religion etc.) – konečná forma Constitution – long process of ratifing THE AMENDMENTS – first 10 freedom of speech, religion egual opportunities (FOR WHITE RICH MEN), right to keep bear arms (weapons)

- stars and stripes – 50 + district of Colombia

  • During the period of 1790 – 1860 the area of the USA almost trebled (buying Lousiana from France, getting Florida from Spain, Texas from Mexico…)

  • beginning of the 19th cent. – expansion; pushing away the Indians, building of roads, railways, also first steamboats appeared at that time

  • 1860 – Abraham Lincoln (a member of the republican party) was elected president

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