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- other beautiful lakes are the Lake of Wood, Lake Winnipeg, Reindeer Lake, Great Bear Lake or Great Slave Lake

NP, flora

- there are about 38 national parks in Canada

- the most famous are Banff NP (the oldest one) and Jasper NP (the biggest one)

- thousands of tourist visit these parks all the years round to admire the scenery or to enjoy walking, climbing, skiing..


- bison, prairie dogs, moose, grizzly, bears, cougars, red foxes, wolves

-> moose

- these hoofed giants can be found in Canada's forests

- being up to two metres tall, they're the largest members of the deer family

- it's no wonder such an awesome Canadian animal even has an ice cream flavour ('Moose Tracks') named after it

- unfortunately, in some areas of Canada, moose populations are under threat

-> beaver

- Canada's largest rodent isn't just "that animal on the nickel" It is a Canadian national animal

- it lives near rivers, ponds, small lakes and marshes, throughout most of Canada except in the cold areas

- beavers build dams, using trees they cut down with their own teeth, to create areas of calm water in which they

can build lodges where they live with their families

- with their tendency to work tirelessly, it's easy to see why "busy as beaver” is such a common expression

-> beluga whale

- these gentle marine mammals are found in several places throughout Canada

- in fact, this species is only found in countries that border the Arctic Ocean, mainly Canada and Russia

- people take a boat ride to watch them

-> polar bear

- Canada is also home to the world's largest species of bear

- sadly, this beautiful species are endangered, and due to climate change and habitat loss

- there are fierce predators when growth

-> Canadian geese

- I think it is second national animal in Canada

- their black heads and neck with the white chinstrap distinguish them from all other goose species

- we can see them in cities, parks,...

-> bison (or buffalo)

- these large bison were traditionally hunted and became almost extinct

- however, thanks to conservation efforts, their numbers in the wild are recovering

- due to their size, they have few predators (wolves in packs, brown bears, coyotes, grizzlies)

places of interest

-> Ottawa

- is the capital and the seat of the Federal Government and parliament

- the city is the important administrative, financial, industrial and cultural centre

- city is bilingual (English and French)
- home of many of the world´s cultures and thousands of immigrants

-> Quebec

- the third largest city, It is the oldest city in Canada with the oldest houses, churches and streets

- we can see narrow winding streets, old stone buildings, and historic French-style architecture there

- people speak French there because it was French colony

-> Toronto

- it is probably Canada's best-known city, in large part because of the hubbub around the Toronto International Film

Festival, the sky-high CN Tower and major sports clubs like the Blue Jays, the Toronto Maple Leafs, and the Raptors

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