Children and their common medical issues
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and clinical history of developing deformity. Bracing, often used in treating idiopathic or neuromuscular
scoliosis, has little role in the management of congenital deformities of the spine.
Congenital elevation of the scapula belongs to the disorders of the upper limb. Surgery is the only effective treatment. This surgical procedure is done between 3 and 8 years of age.
Many disorders of the lower limb are present at birth, but not apparent at that time. Certain deformities, such as polydactyly, are obvious. Others, however, especially those involving the hip, require considerable diagnostic skill and management to avoid devastating consequences.
Developmental dysplasia of the hip is currently accepted term for abnormalities of the hip joint that untreated, lead to faulty development and disability. Approximately 12 of every 1 000 children are born with instability of the hip. Factors that greatly increase the incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip include breech positioning, a family history of DDH, female gender and being a firstborn child. Almost 3 percents of girls with a breech presentation have a dislocation of the hip. Children with congenital foot deformities or torticollis also are at greater risk for DDH.
achondroplasia porucha růstu kostí a chrupavky vedoucí
k trpasličímu růstu
autistic behaviour autistické chování
backward development opožděný vývoj
birth injury porodní trauma
birth rate, natality porodnost
breech zadeček, konec pánevní
cerebral palsy mozková obrna
children’s home dětský domov
children’s nurse dětská sestra
cleft lip rozštěp rtu, zaječí pysk
cleft palate rozštěp patra
congenital disorder vrozená vada
cot death smrt v postýlce, syndrom náhlé smrti kojenců
day nursery denní jesle
developmental dysplasia of the hip vrozené vykloubení kyčle, luxatio congenital
disobedient neposlušný
eczema ekzém
encephalopathy encefalopatie, mozkové onemocnění
různého původu
fine motor skills jemná motorika
flat foot plochá noha
gross motor skills hrubá motorika
immaturity nedonošenost
infant welfare centre dětská poradna
knock-knees křivé nohy
labour pains porodní bolesti
lead olovo
malnourished child podvyživené dítě
malnutrition podvýživa
measles spalničky
multiple mnohočetný, rozmanitý
neglect zanedbat
obstetrician porodník
osteogenesis imperfecta osteogenesis imperfecta, vrozená lomivost kostí
pre-term baby předčasně narozené dítě
prevalence obecné rozšíření, převaha
preventable čemu lze předejít, nikoli nevyhnutelný
profound velice hluboký
profound sleep hluboký spánek
rickets křivice
rubella zarděnky
self-care skills dovednosti sebeobsluhy
semiskilled částečně vyškolený
spina bifida zadní rozštěp páteře
teething prořezávání zubů
to be flat-footed mít ploché nohy
unskilled nekvalifikovaný
well-nourished child dobře živené dítě