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Environmental Protection

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There are more ways to reduce air pollution caused by road traffic. First it is possible to switch freight from road to railways and to support public transportation. Another way is to encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide. Then all new petrol-driven cars will have to be fitted with three-way catalytic converters in their exhaust systems which turn dangerous gases into CO: nitrogen and water vapour. The first commercial auto catalysts in the world where made in Britain in 1974. Lead emissions can fall if we reduce lead content in petrol and encourage the use of unleaded petrol.

Water pollution results from harmful industrial processes and households, from various chemicals used in agriculture, from waste disposal sites, plants and ships.

Land and soil can be contaminated by domestic rubbish, industrial waste and radioactive substances. More than 80% of radiation to which the public is exposed comes from natural resources. Only about thousands of the total comes from the disposal or the discharge of radioactive waste.

Noise represents a considerable problem for many young people. It results in stress, lack of concentration, defective hearing and sleepless.

Environmental protection should also include animal and plant protection because of balance of species, so some animals and plants are protected and kept in Natural Parks and Reserves.

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